Strong Women

Well whatya say, fit? Do strong women scare you?

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>women losing weight to become more attractive


Strong women are my weakness

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Men and women only improve when they don't get what they want.
Once they get what they want, they get comfortable and they become stagnant.
Those in the pictures are fugly anyways

strong women are always the worst personality wise wth the exception of if they’re training for a sport

>to the guys that didn't want us
well yeah, you wouldn't date a fat lard of a man either

dark haired one got cuter. But no, i still dont want your stretch marks and loose skin


I don't get it, they hate men now? Now they lesbians? What about the guys that want you now?

exactly, that's why the finally took some responsibility and lost weight. They couldn't get the in shape guys to do anything more than fuck and dump them, and they were not going to settle for a fatso like themselves.

Lol why do women and minorities have to still be victims even while humble bragging?

DESU blonde one is slammable in either pic.

No. Strong women are based as long as they're actually strong and not just pretending.

>all the knee-jerk hatred itt
you Yas Forumscunts are so easy to play because of how reactionary you are - here you have two women who lost weight in order to be appealing to men, yet you come up with various projections just so you can feel hatred towards the ebil hispanic wommyn

God I would let her snap my dick between her biceps

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looks like a dudes face

They didn't do it to appeal to men, they did it as a fuck you to men for not finding them hot. It is a round about logic that brought them back to the start, but don't pretend like Yas Forums should find those mental gymnastics virtuous just because they were less fat at some point in time.

Idk, does she remind you of your mom?


I started to change even I realized things in my life went downhill instead of up.
I had a job, my first ever 8/10 gf and my parents were proud.

lost the job, girl cheated and after being a sad cunt for a few months I realized I could actually improve
so I took responsibility for everything in my life and now things are looking better.

>Once they get what they want, they get comfortable and they become stagnant.
but my point is, back when I "had the things I wanted" I didn't even think of going to the gym or getting better at a skill that I have.
and after I "make it" I probably won't stop going to the gym even when I'm going to retire, I really like everything I learned along the way, this is the life I want - I refuse to stagnante

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I don't understand women like this. Do former drug addicts do this?
>hehehe you didn't want to date me when I was addicted to heroin but now look, I'm 6 months sober!
why not just acknowledge that any sane man would reject a cow?
This. And it's why men are like 1,000 times more likely to accomplish anything meaningful. Women can find a great husband and have a family by being mediocre, but men can't. Men have to keep pushing ourselves to meet women's impossible standards. This is true for fitness (Yas Forums women are an extreme rarity) and in the world in general, and why almost all successful entrepreneurs are male.

They each look 10 years younger. Good for them.

Dark hair is absolute yummers.
Would bust a goopy chungus in her vagoo. OwO

> ashton

i see you are a man of culture as well

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>guys get shit on for putting pussy on a pedestal
>girls do the same and nobody says anything

Why is this allowed

still don't want

Yeah but look at how slammable the brown one became

Left is a 5, right is a 6 maybe 7 can’t tell from that photo. Wow one of you got barely smashable congrats ladies

>6 or 7
what the fuck lmfao they are a 4 - 5 at most

Lol, no, but strong women aren't atractive.

That's a dude, vagina or not. If you like muscular women you are gay period.

more like 2/10 would not bang

I'd rather study the blade

Agree but I was trying to be factual instead of opinionated
realistically they are likely a 4 or 2.5, I don't know because I find them so repulsive it's hard to properly rate them.

not even /fa/ but wtf are those clown pants on the right?