/fat/ We're All Gonna Make It Edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For dough elementals who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.
This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss

>What do I do first?
1. Read the Yas Forums sticky
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
3. Calculate your BMI
4. Calculate your TDEE
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
5. Plan your weight loss week by week
6. Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Don't listen to memes, either of these are fine based on what you need
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>Now what do I do?
Count calories, all of them.
Calculate your TDEE at sedentary
Buy scales, be accurate in your measurements
Learn how to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 1g per lb of goal body weight.
Do cardio. Even if its just walking, cardio will improve your health which is sorely needed. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can off set the risks.
Lift weights. This will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat. You don't want this.
Post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
Eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
Drink your calories. Alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it.
Freak out over a stall in weight loss. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself.
Be a retard.

Previous Thread:

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I ate cheetos

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I was off my diet 3 days for Easter eating lasagna and drinking but at least I blew past my lifting plateaus

i was gonna fast but i didn't. didn't want to feel like a sperg at my father's birthday dinner
that being said, i'm still at 1500 cals with 136g of protein so i'm still about 1000 calories shy of maintenance.
still gonna do cardio tonight as penance tho

anyone else having a lot more trouble sticking to their diet with this isolation?

I'm considering popcorn

Ate a bit of flan today. It wasn't much but I feel sick. I couldn't reject it because it was offered to me.

It seems like they say that on TV and videos/wherever like everybody is just porking down food right now. Americans are going to be so fat by the end the people in this thread will be average weight. I haven't really felt like it has hurt me though. If anything it helps that people aren't going out to eat.

I'm not eating at as much of a deficit but I'm not gaining weight either and am still working out.

What was the book that an user here recommends to help breaking off a fatty mindset called again?
I keep fucking bouncing back to almost get overweight again, it's tiring.
I just want to leave the place for good.

I ate a bag of pretzels. Other than that I'm pretty good.

Well if you track your calories daily and don't exceed maintenance, you'll never get fat.

dude don't be a dick

This At some point you might get confident enough to stick to normal people amounts of food without tracking but there's no mindset that permits you to eat like the fatso you were ever again so better get used to that

Noup, I've been losing weight like crazy.

It's only the simplest and most fool proof way of keeping off the fat.

3 days in a row have I drinked.
2 days of those I were drunk out of my mind. Eastern celebration man, every single year. Oh well, Christ is risen!

I hate myself so unbelieveably much. I once weighed over 150kg, i was a regular in these threads, eventually after almost 2 years i hit my goal weight of 72kg. I literally lost half of my goddamn bodyweight.

Because i'm a braindead neet corona didn't even affect me much, however i used it as a cheap excuse to buy a bunch of garbage. I was kinda freaking out a little bit when they started closing down shit in my country so i bought a bunch of canned and jar foods. I had the great idea to buy nutella, chili, sausages in a jar, spam etc. All easy to eat with little to no preparation needed. I ate an entire 400g jar of nutella spoon by spoon because i was bored last week, over 2000 calories just because i'm fucking bored? I have the self-control of a fucking toddler. On some days i have eaten 5000 calories just because i had it easily available.

However the corona shit i have done isn't even the worst, the last couple months i have been slacking more and more, even after reaching my goal weight i still tracked my calories and had a soft goal of 2000 calories a day. Eventually it became slightly more and more and more and at some point i was closer to 2700 calories a day and on top of that i started to undertrack calories and my old binge eating disorder came back, not in full force however i eat too much one day and barely anything the next day/s. When i cook food for multiple days i often eat it all on the first day and then i'm hungry/cheating the next days.

Despite all this shit i'm "only" back at 83kg and have to "only" lose 11kg again but i once again want to fully commit, i put a notification in my phone to check these threads at least once a day for the next 3 months.
I will track calories 100% perfectly again.
I won't binge ever.
I will start with sticking to 2000 calories for the first week, if that isn't enough i will lower it in the coming weeks.

I don't expect any pity, call me faggot or something.

Next time you binge, just fast it off the very next day.

This is why you buy food you need to cook first. And not just pasta.

Is OMAD effective for tackling binge eating?

I’ve gained ten pounds in two months from my disorder and would like to lose the weight before I become overweight....

How do I deal with hunger?

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No. No binging. Fasting the next day leads to being hungry which leads to more binging/cheating which is exactly the habit i want to break.

Any advice on how to work on my cardiovascular health while isolating? I've gained around 7-10lbs since this started and I've hit the point where I need to do something about it. I would just diet, but I also know my cardiovascular health is wanting. A method that isn't too loud would be appreciated aswell.

OMAD is the "cold turkey" method to treating binge eating, yeah. You need to have a mind of steel for it, but it does attack the issue head on, because you are literally treating an addiction. You're not allowed to binge, because that would be snacking, and snacking isn't allowed on OMAD. You have one rule and one rule only, and you need to act like you're going to get arrested if you break that rule. So no snacking on the co-worker's "I brought donuts to share for work today!" even. OMAD is about planning that one meal well in advance, and then executing on it. It does allow you to kind of reset your hunger signals though. After a couple of weeks, the body tends to expect that you're only going to feed it once a day, and thus you get hungry less and less often. The human body is adaptable like that. Those first couple of weeks you need to do it completely through just willpower though.

I have been binge eating for a week. My weight is up eight pounds even though according to my calorie log I am only at a 6000 calorie surplus.

Hoping that's accurate and I can undo my failure in around a week. I was literally in the best shape of my life last Tuesday, and I feel like I've undone all my progress.

83 kg and how tall are you?


Water weight is funky like that.

A couple weeks ago, I said "fuck it" and went apeshit on whatever I had around the house. Told myself I'd earned my cheat day after about a year on keto so sugar wasn't a problem for the day. Then I went ahead and binged some more the next day and told myself that three days of eating like shit can't hurt anyone; I ate sugar nonstop because it felt like I wouldn't give myself another chance to do so for a while.

I put on over twenty pounds by the night of the third day and it took me nearly a week to fall back in line and felt absolutely dreadful the entire time.

Sorry for the graphic details/blogpost ahead.

I had a bowel obstruction that turned into an extremely intense diarrhea episode last night, and it left me shaking and covered with sweat. The abdominal pains were really bad and I woke up very dehydrated, overheating, with my whole body hurting and sore. I also puked.
It's been 10h and I still feel week and nauseous.

How can I prevent this from ever happening again?

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i bought a big bag of chocolate buttons and i got a box of flapjack bites on sale in tesco, ive had them 3 days now just been nibbling on a handfull of each when i get cravings since im on atm, so thats my treat for the week
lost 6kg in 2 months which im proud of but i wanna lose 4 more to get to 55kg, no gym and being stuck inside working on my dissertation makes me prone to wanting to cook more often and make really hearty meals since i have so much time

20 pounds?? Dude wtf

How tall are you fatty?

you need a doctor bro

Not op but breaking keto always leads to a massive water weight increase at first because glycogen retains a shitload of water