Which one of you is this?

which one of you is this?

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Kek, nigga wants to pay a dollar like he's getting a McCafe

Its a good deal if its per visit, he would pay 3 dollars a week or more

$3 to put up with a stranger using your private gym? Fuck that. In what world is that a good deal?

My private gym is closed because of Corona.
I live in a 50 story high-rise building with about 20 other people (I know...don't ask). There's a gym, and I've asked the guards, they told me I'm literally the only one to use it.
So not only is it a private gym, it's technically MY private gym.
Administration still closed it because of muh virus.

I hate my life.

When something is $1 it usually means that they'll discuss rates

The $1 is a placeholder because putting an amount there is necessary

Low balling faggot, put your money where your mouth is or fuck off. Who the fuck is going to discuss rates with some loser trying to use their home gym? Only way he stands a chance of making that deal is if he makes it worth someone's time. Even discussing shit like that is a waste of time, I hate going back and forth with penny pinchers.

$100 each use. Non-negotiable.

keyboard warrior LOL

Lol hard man right here, gonna offer me a dollar to fight, then discuss rates in the ring? Fucking pathetic.

lmao fucking ripped him a new one

I like this guy

you are literally fucking retarded and have never used craigslist

it really took you that many words to tell us that you're a jewish faggot

Everyone ignores the retarded "placeholder" posts. I filter out all that bullshit, if someone is listing their car for $1 they're pulling some kind of shit and I'm not wasting my time.
Who's Jewing who? I said fucking list the price. You're the one hoping to save a couple bucks by being a non-committal faggot. If you want something, say what you want to pay. Fucking tip toeing like you're going to find some sweet ass deal after wasting dozens of people's time is Jewish as fuck.

You sound autistic and ugly

Shut the fuck up u stupid cunt

>I know don't ask

No, please elaborate how that is possible

Apartments: not even once

You sound like penny pinching betas who troll craigslist hoping to jump on another man's trash. Good luck with that, keep listing your shit for $1 so I don't have to waste my time dealing with broke asses.

Attached: angry jew.png (144x151, 11.01K)

Nice selfie.

Id see if you can sneak a deal with the guard and get a key. Maybe place a closed for cleaning sign or some shit when your using it

>profiteering from your fellow lifters misfortune

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I'm not selling shit, I'm also not trying to buy shit without offering a price. Get your white Knight ass out of here, or go ahead and open up your house to strangers to lift in.

Fucking niggers. Never watched Price Is Right.

Imagine ge gets injured and you're liable and get sued. No thanks.

>tattooed degenerate
Fuck off nigger

This or learn to pick locks. If you can get in and disassemble the lock, you can learn the key code and cut a copy.

>Imagine not having him sign a contract before you accept his $1.00 payment

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A-user, you wouldn't hide anything in that contract, would you?

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