Natural Light

>Japan doesn't allow gear

Is white rice and anime the key to the natty apex?

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Don't forget S O Y

he can't pencil neck with that physique, is it just the pose that makes it look that thin?

yes, front lat spreads do make your neck look thinner and traps look smaller

Looks like he has crappy trap genetics and is pushing his head forward to emphasise his shoulders

That is Naotaka Yokokawa

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Why do so few people in japan lift?

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

They all look dyel and have small penises?

Does lifting make your penis bigger? It makes mine smaller

>japan doesn't allow gear
>pride contracts specifically stated that no drug testing would take place

>japan doesn't allow gear
>thus everyone is natty
clearly you have no idea what you're talking about

>USA doesn't allow gear
>Canada doesn't allow gear
>All of Europe doesn't allow gear
user are you retarded?

>All of Europe doesn't allow gear
that's wrong lol

They dont have time for it. These people think that working 60+ hours a week is the norm and will give you shit if you dont do the same.

> japan doesn't allow gear
Neither does Australia and yet
> here lies Zyzz...

Zyzz was natty you absolute imbecile. Cope more, genelet.

Guy is like 4'3" man this nigga is tinychimp

i read somewhere that apparently big muscle is more like a side joke, gachi muchi was too much of a meme it seems

Sport, outside of baseball and maybe soccer, is pretty niche in japan. Most do something as a hobby but basically just fuck around. Very, very few have any aspiration to do a sport professionally and there are limited pathways to pursue it even if you're so inclined outside of the two i mentioned.

Even rugby, which is pretty popular in japan, isn't really played until senior high school. Whereas here you have hundreds of clubs for primary school kids.

t. Lived in tokyo for two years, competed at regional level in kudo (basically amateur mma with karate flavour) and lifted there

A-user I...

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good desu, sport is just a luxury for rich people
nips don't care about watching other grown men kick a fucking ball
imagine being this pathetic and wasteful with your time and life

Can you prove what's in the needle?


I heard machismo in excess of their normal is considered homosexual.

Flu shot brah.

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Hypermasculinity is indeed a defense mechanism utilized by closet homos, but to suggest simply lifting is hypermasculine is cope from small dicked Salarymen. If lifting and training in general was bigger in Japan more of them would be Samurai, and fewer of them would suffer through a massive series of heart attacks in their mid 50's.

Asians are literally higher test (read: more masculine) than you low test wh*tes. Don't believe me because of >muh white superiority? Look at obesity rates of white people and the effects of being fat on testosterone and come back to me you fat piece of shit.

Attached: testosterone.png (1400x516, 24.87K)

You seem to be projecting a whole lot of bullshit on me for no reason. I said that the cope was from brainwashed salarymen who have been conditioned into thinking anything vut their job is pointless. I'm not American, meaning I'm not fat, and given your emotional instability, insecurity, bitch boy attitude, and the fact that you flip out for no reason I highly doubt that the whole high test stuff applies to you, you massive pussy lmao.

Looks like insulin to me

cope more, you probably worship some football team like most useless men do these days