Can a hypnotist hypnotize me into becoming gay? I don't want to be straight anymore.
Can a hypnotist hypnotize me into becoming gay? I don't want to be straight anymore
sissy hypno is a thing op
sissy hypno is a fetish
nobody can hypnotize you into being gay but you can certainly develop romantic feelings for a man and then those can develop into a sexual relationship even if you are straight.
>sissy hypno is a fetish
as porn it is. There are plenty of actual self-hypnosis tracks for that kind of thing that actually work though, apparently
Skidee skidoof you are now a poof!
You're welcome.
"apparently" it's a bunch of larpers
almost all the feminization/cuckold content on the internet (including twitter stories, "slut" stories from "girl" accounts, titillating cheating stories, sissy hypno success stories, what have you) is generated by fetishists to jerk off to. All of it is written by gross thirtysomething internet dudes.
I know it seems like I know a lot about this, and there's gonna be accusations which I'm fine with, but honestly I just have a strong femdom cock and ball torture / extreme pain fetish and I've had to slowly watch these emotional weirdos take over all of my old haunts. Nobody just wants to get tied up and used as a punching bag by a hot chick in latex anymore, it sucks.
ok I don't really give a fuck about that shit. The reality is that hypnosis does work to some degree, and that you can enter a state of hypnosis with the help of audio tracks meant to put you in that state.
>t.sissy in denial
You can't 'hypnotize' yourself, but you can condition yourself to like dudes by forcing yourself to jerk off to them.
Hypnotism can’t make you do anything that you wouldn’t do willingly in the first place, it’s not mind control although it does make you more open to the idea
So if you do become gay from hypnotism, OP was gay to begin with
>develop romantic feelings for a man
This i don't understand. It being purely sexual i understand because just watching porn can get you there. You'll be fapping to traps in no time, but actually falling IN LOVE with full blown dudes could never possibly work for someone who was undeniably straight.
Go watch countless hours of degenerate gay porn youll be good, faggot
Fucking twink boypussy is NOT homosexual. It is only gay if you receive, then you are a disgusting sodomite faggot. This was none from the ancient times but for some reason seems to be lost on the generations of today. If you see a girly little man and you want to fuck him, that just makes you high testosterone. Low test basedjaks and gay receiver will never understand this simple fact.
There is no need op because you are clearly already a faggot
>The ancient Greeks did not conceive of sexual orientation as a social identifier as modern Western societies have done. Greek society did not distinguish sexual desire or behavior by the gender of the participants, but rather by the role that each participant played in the sex act, that of active penetrator or passive penetrated. This active/passive polarization corresponded with dominant and submissive social roles: the active (penetrative) role was associated with masculinity, higher social status, and adulthood, while the passive role was associated with femininity, lower social status, and youth.
Just take adderall and start watching a lot of porn, you'll become gay within months.
Go back to /lgbt/ faggot
dangereously based
Yas Forums is official dead isn't it?
Homosexuals, all of you.
Fuck off retarded communist, go suck lenin's rotting dick you scumfuck bastard degenerate pile of trash
Stick around Yas Forums you’ll be gay soon enough
I am not a commie you fucking gay LARPer.
>personality and sexual preference is determined at birth!
>you cant change the way somebody is!
Kike shill. Fags can become straight and vice versa as easily as a fatty can get ripped. The problem is they just don't want to.
>I am not a commie
That's what they all say
No they're usually pretty open and proud about it.
only after the mccarthy persecution stopped. He was right about everything and the people were too stupid to see that.
only if you actually want to be gay, and even then it's just because you feel you need someone else's approval and don't feel confidence in your own decision making. But trust me when I tell you it might be better to go talk to someone about what makes you not want to be straight anymore rather then rush into using hypno to attempt permanent change for short sighted reasons.
>t. a casual hypnotist
Reminder that sodomites are made, not born. OP just needs to be repeatedly raped by an authority figure, same as every sodomite was as a child. The other option, of not having a functional male role model is probably too little too late
why not check out instead?