What do you suggest Yas Forums

my stats for reference

1pl8 ohp yes, but hard
2pl8 bench no
3pl8 squat yes
4pl8 dl yes, easily

>inb4 suicide
no, im not a faggot i come from crazy mountain in slavic lands we wuz partizans n shiet!

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get some surgery for gyno

after my doctor gets it checked with ultraviolet scan to make sure its gyno, yeah

just add like 45 mins of proper cardio, eat a bit cleaner you'll be fine

im gonna do a day of fasting tomorrow, id rather not do cardio bcus my focus is to get huge

Do a big cut till 12% BF. Then hit 1-2-3-4 with it.

I'm honestly doubting those lifts

how come, as in you'd think im weaker or stronger than that

Just lose weight, I’m 6’2” at 190-X and you’ve got a lot more fat than I do. Eat less and keep lifting

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holy fuck those milkers.
I'm also from balkan aswell and 20, I might know you. You finna make a nigga act up with those milkers...


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Willing to bet your DL form is shit

no its very clean, straigt back and conventional grip and stand

fuck off, my chest isnt that big, it might be a might case of gyno or just fat, and its not visible with clothes

>might case of gyno


Bruh take it from me you’re fat. Whatever you’re eating daily, eat 3-400k less and keep lifting. You’re at like 30% BF (or higher, idk).

Don’t get defensive, don’t get asshurt just eat less and don’t fuck your self out of gains.

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cute tits. u single?

Here's some inspiration for you. Fatass

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It’s severe gyno tits mate

skeleton to skinnier skeleton, no thx, id take my current body to that any day
bruh its not, severe is much worse, this probably not even gyno
sounds hot desu

This is why lifting low rep for power is a joke.

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>mild case of gyno

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nigger what lol


>he believes the cardio kills gains meme

jesus christ how are you guys under 200lbs and still fat
I'm 6'2 220 with good definition, you guys need to hit the gym more

wtf stats are false. those areolas are at least 5lbs each

No one wants to look like this lmao.

nigga how can you possibly call people fat when you look that obese bahahaha, kill yourself