How do I cut 40lbs in 2 months?

how do I cut 40lbs in 2 months?

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janoy cresva

Fasting, eat twice a week

eat less
pretty simple.
bye jason

Hard. Veiny. Grainy. And big.

Havent you heard? Covid canceled summer this year. We're bulking straight on through to February.

replace 2 meals with black coffee.

jason, you prolly have muscle under all of that shit.
I would suggest you stop eating sushi with eric kanevskiy and go keto for 2 months and some form of intermittent fasting.
aka eating once every 24-48 hours.
you really dont even have to do that annoying cardio bullshit but if you have to you can try an EC stack or a yohimbine stack with light cardio.
practice eating stuff that boosts testosteron.
having lower BF will cause a cumulative effect because low bf means high testosterone

>Jason fucking Genova

Does Lenny leave a scent trail of tranny dick?

absolute piss

Dont eat. Every day you dont eat you lose 1lb of straight fat. If you eat you lose muscle with your fat.

Ethiopian crackhead diet


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I'm really impressed by his body. He is presumably off the skittles right now, he definitely doesn't lift, he eats hog slop and he still has massive forearms. How's that possible?

Dry fasts, try 3 days on 1 day off until u can go a week u want big change u gotta go hard fatass

That's not too bad. My goal is to hit 145lbs at 6ft, I'll be real thin then.

is this bait? you need to gain weight you delusional anorexic, you look like shit, like a scarecrow, have you ever lifted a weight in your life? i could throw you across a field like a javelin. absolutely sickening pissening physique

jason please stop
do i need to call your mom?



Hard core keto and cardio........your.gonna get dizzy tho...

Eat piss
Eat sick

He may be from /fa/

If you really need to lose that much, start keto and do intermittent fasting daily. Do fasted cardio in the afternoon BEFORE eating (I bike) then have maybe an 800 calorie meal higher in fat. Couple hours later do resistance training so you can maintain muscle, afterwards have maybe a 1200 calorie meal high in protein. 2-3 days out of the week you fast, so for example last meal is Friday night, next meal is Sun/Mon morning. Rinse and repeat. I'm losing 5 lbs a week and I'm only doing 1 day of fasting instead of 2-3.

Look thick and gravy m'cheeseburger

Coath user.

Forearm muscle stays around. That's why you see so many boomers with beefy forearms despite them being weak fags.
And when you're eating 5000 kcal a day and not burning any of it, you don't lose muscle very fast.

No it's not bait. Cunt. Why would you do that even if you could

Cause you literally look like you've never left your house or done any type of physical activity in your entire life. I have no idea what possessed you to think making an image like that was a good idea. You're just telling people you have a mental illness and are seemingly proud of it. Wash your penis and get your shit sorted out bucko.


Microwave scrambled eggs is low key genius, nobody gave monkey prick credit for that.