Tomorrow morning, I begin my fitness journey :)

Tomorrow morning, I begin my fitness journey :)

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good luck user youll definately make it

You WILL fail it
Go outside and run 10 minutes

lol no thank you, high impact exercise damages the joints

WRONG. Sorry pleb.

The very fact that you're not starting your fitness journey now already tells me you're not going to make it.

This is your brain cucking you. By merely PROMISING to do something in the future makes you FEEL like you've made progress, even though you haven't. You can now substitute actually doing something for merely promising to do something.

The fact that you then need to POST that you've promised to do something is further evidence of your brain's self-cuckery. Now by ANNOUNCING that you've PROMISED to do something, you hope to gain further validation of your actions. Now praise for the ANNOUNCEMENT of your PROMISE to do something will further satisfy your insecurities.

What will ACTUALLY happen is you'll do half-assed shit for a day or three, get distracted, give up, and then make an excuse that lets you arbitrarily postpone action into the future. Then rinse and repeat.

Guess what faggot, you're nothing. You're shit and you've done abso-fucking nothing to make your situation better. Unless you've already started you're going NOWHERE

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Haha, you're wrong though. The journey starts tomorrow, I already have the calendar printed out. Tacos tonight and then I start my first fast :)

>falling for further cuckery

"Oh I printed the calendar, I totally did something"

nope, you've done nothing.

This. Start right now. It doesnt have to be big, but it's best to get started pronto.
What makes tommorrow different from yesterday or today? Absolutly nothing.
Y'know how many times I've told myself that "Today is the last day I'm going to live like this", or "I'll start tommorrow when I have the energy and time"? Literally hundreds of times. It doesn't get easier the longer you wait. It'll be just as hard tomorrow as it was yesterday.

lift weights and eat semi ok. Lifting weights for a week you'll see a decrease in your waist size.

good luck!

oh yeah i definitely regret having a plan! not!

haha i think you have a screw loose, buddy!

Thanks but tomorrow is the day!

thank you, im excited!

>lol no thank you, high impact exercise damages the joints
You will never make it

No problem. Cardio 20 mins twice a week if you can fit it in for fitness

Let us know if/when you actually ever start OP.

>you have to do high impact or else!

haha no thank you!

i will! i plan on making daily entries here to keep you guys updated :)


So memes aside, I actually started working out for the first time this week. I'm about 5'6/5'7 at 131lbs and I've starting every day with 3 sets of 10 push ups, 20 situps and 15 burpees. How should I change my diet to start gaining muscle? Should I be trying to gain weight or lose it right now? I've got some belly fat but otherwise the rest of my body is evenly proportioned, so I'm just not sure if I should start chugging protein shakes and calories now to bulk, or try to trim that bodyfat first?

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see you tomorrow! :)

Yes, you're very light for a man of 5'7. I'd be aiming for 168 lbs. Protein is good but also don't be afraid to enjoy so tasty foods to get that weight up.


haha no thank you, i still have some doritos I want to eat tonight and wont be able to do that tomorrow so... :)

Just try to put on muscle by eating a high protein diet at around ~2300 calories per day. You don't have to make your diet super strict just do some research on good bulking foods and make sure it has a good amount of protein/its something you can stick with.

I hope you do, id bet money you wont

Also, make sure you're increasing your calorie count as you go up in weight, a good way to tell how many calories you need to eat to go up in weight is (current body weight in-lb) x 17 and for protein, a good rule of thumb is 1g per lb of body weight.

thank you user, but please put all your money on "making it" because I'm going to!!!

consistency is key
stay properly hydrated throughout the day
a balanced diet with a little bit of extra protein sprinkled in there will get you far
cardio in fact boosts gains since it strenghtens your heart which beats power into your other muscles
drink less alcohol or just outright dont drink
dont smoke
dont do drugs
get 7 hours of sleep if you can
make sure you maintain a rhythm in doing everything you do throughout the day
supplementing things like omega3, magnesium and other more "common" supplements is, without a doubt, a good idea
stretch your whole body atleast once a week or properly before working out
break a leg

good luck :))))))

Thanks for the tips anons! Hopefully after all this blows over I can head to the gym and start netting some serious gains!


Not tomorrow. NOW.

Shut the fuck up. you fucking loser