Anyone bulking on calisthenics? Not sure bulking is the best idea without access to normal compound movements...

Anyone bulking on calisthenics? Not sure bulking is the best idea without access to normal compound movements. Just doing handstand push-ups, weighted pull-ups, weighted dips, band curls, band lateral raises, band pushdowns and tricep extensions, pistol squats, weighted lunges, hanging leg raises, and ab wheels.

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Be honest.
You just want an excuse to eat
That's what powerlarpers tell themselves too.

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Right now the best thing to do is eat at maintenance. Bulking you will just get fat, cutting you will just lose muscle. Maintenance will keep you in homeostasis.

Is this dude white or black?

he's a brazilian model.
Most likely has zero african genes but maybe some native south american in him. Or none at all and is just swarthy european.

looks like a blend of a handful of the lesser races

What is lean bulking?

Just how much do you think your muscles can grow?
How strong do you think you can get?
Just how much energy do you think your body needs?
If you saw the 20%bf physique of someone who's really strong and thought that you want to achieve the same size and strength: 20% of the size is just fat. Take it away and you get someone 20% smaller than what you thought was an achievable size.
Strength? The muscle -under- the fat is responsable for that.
Energy? The only reason people believe that you cant have abs and strength is because every retard that tries to get abs does it by eating less than 2000 cals and around 100 carbs. Then they go and complain that they feel weaker and that abs and strength is impossible. No shit, you're starving
Bulking is a meme



are you retarded?what about him looks black?

holy shit am I fucking gay or is that guy insanely fucking attractive?

Fair point

fuck, he's ugly

Actually... I don't think he's THAT attractive, user.

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this dude's photos get used all the time by neckpill fanatics. But I bet that if you photoshopped a slightly slimmer neck that he would still look just as good.

You realize you are either black, white, asian or a mixture of them. Being part black is how your skin gets darker.

>are you retarded?what about him looks black?
His hair, his eyebrowns, his skin color, his eyes, his lips, his nose

you are braindead and have no idea what blacks look like.

can' tell if sarcastic.

Do americans really...

you are a huge faggot user

>you are braindead and have no idea what blacks look like.
Lets ask the opinion of experts then

how do I achieve a body like this?

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there you go.he is zero percent black.

Attached: eth.png (563x668, 202.06K)

Zero percent white too


A-user, I....

Attached: 02E88C5A-369C-46CF-8EDE-3932E274A49B.jpg (750x738, 27.44K)

It's an Italian / Spanish mutt you tarda.


Man you can eat whatever the fuck you want as long as you burn it with the calisthenics, if you eat trash then you should spend more time exercising, it's easy man.