How bad is alcohol for gains Yas Forums?

How bad is alcohol for gains Yas Forums?

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god i would love to cum all over his chest

Depends on alcohol. Plain vodka won't be too bad, eat less carbs that day.

But if you're drinking 400 calorie craft beers, yea you're fucked.

All drugs are bad for gains.

There are guys stronger than you who drink constantly.

Honestly it doesn't make much of a difference unless you're an actual alcoholic or attempting to enter a high standard of competition.

If your routine is so weak you cant burn a bunch of carbs you ngmi anyway. Dont bother aboit what you drink or not.

>There are guys stronger than you who drink constantly.
Doesn't make it right and makes them stupid as fuck.

haha bad news, you are a fucking faggot and should kill yourself.

Depends how much you consume it.

I'm just saying eat one less slice of bread to be safe and you're good.

Just because I wanna cum on some.hir dudes chest doesn't mean I'm a homo you dumb cunt.

I drink 8-15 beer every day

Depends on your self control

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It isn't "wrong" or "right" it's just a choice. Having a few beers will not harm you unless you are aiming for an incredibly high standard.

If you are a dedicated, committed lifter with a good diet then having some drinks will not detract from that or impact it it any way. Alcohol can harm you and in excess it's incredibly dangerous to your health and life, but you are not going to lose your gains if you go have a drink with friends.

This. Also I'd like to add that psychologically, I've been in the fucking zone as far as my fitness goals go ever since going straight edge. You should try living 100% clean OP, it's pretty based

I'm a recovering alcoholic, 107 days sober

>he isn't gay
your on the wrong board buddy

good job man

Were you a proper alcoholic? All the true alcoholics I knew took very little to get drunk because they only needed a top up. They were also all incredibly underweight.

Or was it more of a dependance thing for you?

a few beers won't kill you. I've done PR's the next day

if you're trying to get fucked on alcohol to the point of a hangover though, it's obviously poor for gains

>is poison bad for you

congrats you can celebrate with a beer its not like 1 will hurt
trust me it will feel good

He's right you know.

Not him, but I took quite a bit to get to that buzz level that I wanted. I was going through half a fifth a day to keep it running.

Was drinking a liter of whisky per day and withdrawals sucked when I didnt drink that day

I can have a couple and be fine depending on the situation but if I'm at a party where everyones doing shots and cocaine than you bet it will lead to way more than a few beers

Yeah, that's the worst part, getting the shakes if you start to sober up. I had to ween off it, because cold turkey wasn't doable for me.

It was horrible man the constant sweating and poundìng heart rate and suicidal depression for days

Yep, desu I'm surprised my wife stuck with me through it. I put the poor girl through hell for a few months there

It'll only kill your gains if the thought of having consumed alcohol riddles you with anxiety, that will raise cortisol more than the drink ever could.

You mean other than roids lol?

Even roids. Remember ZyZZ? He claimed that we all are gonna make it and he didn't even make it to 30. Drugs, not even once.

Very bad. Stop drinking and sleep at normal times.

Seriously, sleep if very important and Yas Forums doesn't stress that enough.
