Be Honest

How long can you hold a plank for at one time?

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5 minutes 02 seconds

1 min and 10 secs. 6'0, 85kg.

idk maybe 1 min idc lol i could still rape u lol haha

5 minutes


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But why the fuck would i just hold a plank instead of nailing it if i'm willing to fix my broken fence


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Do you have visible abs? How long have you been planking
haha I hope to get there too pal


1 minute 30 seconds (anime opening length) but I have no abs, just a fat gut

This is a man, ain't it?

I've never tried one but I'll do it now and report back in a min

she's cute

Once I held a plank for 10 minutes for a bet, but never tried to go beyond that.

OK so 1:30 was hard. Full disclosure: I am a fat dyel, squat 1rm 135kg.

Watch a video by warrior poet about getting some 15 year old ready for murine corps basic. I just never went down when he said "release" or some BS.

No joke but this guy hit it dead on. I'm a fat sack of shit. I'm legit a 5'6" 260 lbs waste of space.

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4 minutes no weight
working on doing weighted planks - can do 3x55 seconds with 70lbs atm

fuck you, about 60 seconds

stop posting my wife

t. wood

3x1 min with 25 kg plate on my lower back. Don't put it on your upper back, it's cheating.

More than 3 minutes.
5'7 manlet 96rg fatass

Shockingly long time, like so long I get bored.

I can't even reach a minute without having my body shaking, you can I git gud at this?

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7 minutes if i really try

longer than anyone in this thread

Static planks are a shit tier exercise. Once you get decent core strenght you'll be able to hold them for so long. You could be doing multiple more effective exercises in that time.

Realistically between 3-6mins