
R8 no h8
Lifting seriously 6 months, on and off for three years.

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How do you have ab veins but still high bodyfat?

10 months

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Keep it up user, a lot of potential. Nice natural physique.

His body fat isn't that high user, he's probably just well hydrated or even retaining water from excess sodium.

186 cm
68 kg
What should I focus on first, bros?

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Chest, you have broad shoulders so you'll fill in well.

>he's probably just well hydrated
Wow. What a fag.

traps and chest, just do one workout of barbell shrug a week because your traps look like absolute ass, however much you're doing bench double it

Got it, thanks!

Shaved my chest a couple days ago and been cutting for 1 month now, down from 255 to 232

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I don't think that counts as cutting user, that's like a fat dude claiming a permabulk. Keep it up, still a long way to go.

if you cut 15lbs you would look like a Greek god

Lifting weights

I'm only 160lbs at 6ft, still trying to put on size

you should try fasting friend, you're looking fatter than all shit. Also, why shave your chest? I can barely grow chest hair, like a couple little pieces at best but I still keep it, men are supposed to be hairy. If you were a twink I could see it but you're a pretty big looking dude and women would probably prefer you hairy. Just my advice, also you have weird sausage nips and covering them up with hair is a good idea


Kek believe what you want

Lol no muscle mass at all, pure fat. Have you ever worked a day in your life? I was way more muscular than you after 1 season of brick laying

>Everyone who looks better than me is on steroids!

Hey man I've got some solid muscle underneath but I'm getting there, I dont have impressive stats but it's better than beginners. My max curl is 140 and my max benchpress is 255 so I'm working my way up.

You've got an excellent taper to your wrists. I like nothing more than a narrow wrist that develops into a good arm. Favourite aesthetic

How on earth can you bench that much with literally no chest?

You should keep working. Good effort with the weight loss and keep at it, but there's no way you're benching that.

I choose to believe.

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Unironically, you don't even know what your stubborn body parts are. Just grow everything for now then assess later.

Down from 280 to 235 since Christmas. I know I'm gross and hairy, I like to remind myself of it every day. Target weight of 190lbs.

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Godspeed user

Good job, that's some serious fat loss.

Looks like you'll still be over 20% body fat at 190lbs, aim a bit lower.

90% of lifters on here are counting all the cheat bullshit they do like leg drive, arching back, bouncing, not using full RoM, etc.

plz be gentle uwu

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looking great user, keep it up
I can't grow hair for shit so I instinctively respect men with hair. Don't let the hair get you down, embrace it, and keep lifting friend

What are you on bro? Mirin'. Great chest.

Looking very very good user

Thanks :3
Nothing, but thanks alot appriciate it!

5'6'' manlet here, i could have done better within a year but i'm sort of proud

mirin that body user, noice

lifting in general I guess


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That’s easily achievable natty