R8 no h8
Lifting seriously 6 months, on and off for three years.
Zachary Young
Nathan Bennett
Noah Sanchez
How do you have ab veins but still high bodyfat?
Christian Nelson
10 months
Jonathan Jenkins
Keep it up user, a lot of potential. Nice natural physique.
Adrian Martinez
His body fat isn't that high user, he's probably just well hydrated or even retaining water from excess sodium.
Jose Gray
186 cm
68 kg
What should I focus on first, bros?
Lucas Hall
Chest, you have broad shoulders so you'll fill in well.
Luis Moore
>he's probably just well hydrated
Wow. What a fag.
Camden Peterson
traps and chest, just do one workout of barbell shrug a week because your traps look like absolute ass, however much you're doing bench double it