Deformed dyel

Can someone tell me what the actual fuck is wrong with my body? My shoulders grow even though I don’t work them and nothing else is growing, still a dyel with 15 inch arms and no abs

Attached: 3D518983-F169-46EC-A8E3-7299CFA27ADD.png (750x1334, 2.42M)

Your body looks like samus

Attached: gm1gO43vJRriAcFqeabtXaq-fr3Nn5xNubv2BpE09fI.jpg (2610x1800, 730.24K)

my nigga lookin like toguro lmfao

Attached: 1577861490847.jpg (320x240, 13.18K)

How is this possible.. whats your waist size?

looking fucking great bro, what you on about. Shoulders are probably the most aesthetically pleasing muscle.


How are your traps so small

i keep having people comment on my fucking shoulders and its getting tiring, i want them to fucking shrink
31 inches i think

I have tiny shoulders and big chest instead. Cant even have tank tops on cause I look DYEL with bare shoulders. Fucking sucks. Mirin your boulder shoulders hard.

You got visited by the roid fairy. Enjoy your unlimited shoulder gains and shrinking testies.

Wouldn't the traps also be bigger since there are a lot of androgen receptors there too? this phyqisue makes no sense

I was just making a funny, but I mean it looks to me like he's definitely shrugging in the pic so no idea what his traps actually look like.

dude your waist to shoulder ratio is fucking terrible what the fuck lmao
You look like a cartoon

Is that pic edited? My body looks like that when I apply gay filters and distort it

It's too fucking sexy, hit traps and neck and you're fucking golden

i got no trap development at all, dont do traps cause all the exercises fucking suck
get told this at least once a week, honestly think when it comes down to it my waist to hip ratio is worse, granted im a bit heavier than usual right now and i store fat in my hips
nope, no pump or angle shit either, just deformed this like brah

You look like you have big manly hands though.
Abs are genetics, your shoulders are pretty sweet bro, but you should def do some shrugs and get your neck up a bit, because they are dominating your frame and makes you look a bit freaky.

thanks brahs, issue is im scared if i start doing traps my shoulders are gonna grow even more. i literally only do pullups, close grip bench and tricep extensions and theyre already too big

Op can you post a different pic with a diff angle maybe its just that one pic

They looked smaller and normal here when I only did calisthenics, was an even bigger dyel back then though

Attached: 0875AA14-7401-424D-B982-FD98CC024B23.jpg (363x486, 59.45K)

This body looks good think its just the angle OP.. now take those pants off

big shoulders but 5.5 inch cock brah

How the fuck are we supposed to know without a routine? You look weird because you have the traps, chest, and core of a 12 year old but your arms and shoulders are huge.

>my shoulders are gonna grow even more
How are your shoulders so fucking big? You fraud? It literally shows nowhere else. Also shoulders growing more shouldnt be your fear. Once your neck and traps catch up you'll look proportional

traps look ok in this one, maybe it was just a shit pic

you have wide hips, that can be overcome.
Russian twists, heavy weights will make that look completely normal

god tier frame mirin bro

Miring post routine

looked like a less jacked, doughier version of you when i gave a fuck about lifting
ridiculously tiny waist despite being pretty doughy, shoulders that wouldnt stop growing, and everything else (traps included) were tiny
sometimes you just gotta play the hand youre delt

Monday: heavy day
Bench 3x5
Pull ups 3x10
Dips 3x6
Overhead tricep extensions 4x6
Bicep curls 3x10
Some row machine, random rep ranges

Random rep range pull ups, whatever I feel like doing
Might fuck around and do dips

Friday: light day
Bench 4x10
Pull ups 3x10
Dips 3x25
Overhead tricep extensions 3x12
Bicep curls 3x10
Hammer curls 3x10

shitty routine but im a brainlet

Its okay im not a size queen