Is this achievable natty?

Is this achievable natty?

Attached: 1586875599981.jpg (540x960, 121.65K)

Achievable? Those views are inevitable, my friend.

>no one:
>absolutely no one:
>seriously, not a single soul on earth:

white racist bigot pos: iM nOt RaCiST iTs jUsT mY OpIniOn

lol le funny ‘nobody’ maymay LOL


go back to the plebbit gulag where you came from

Attached: doomcringe.jpg (900x900, 68.48K)

>reddit memes
good job, faggot

I’m trans btw if that matters

Looks like the Untermensch desu

Go back

BASED redditchad triggering the incels

that's so reddit tier I'm starting to think it's b8

Incels mad

i genuinely dont get this kind of bait, like are you actually that lonely that you dont bother baiting for actual discussion anymore? you just bait for the (you) and the attention of the person that took 2 seconds to reply and then completely forgot about you?

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I actually laughed

damn that's a lot of (you)s.
I might start posting generic reddit comments on bait threads.

pleas go back.

Damn this comment triggered a lot of wh*te "males" lmao

That's a big yikes from me, chief

Haha ikr! Im a trans POC laughing so hard right now it’s making it hard to dilate

Original Poster of this comment here, I'm new to the site (coming from /r/Fitness)

Wow I didn't expect this comment to explode! Thanks everyone for the fast replies
How do I redeem all my replies to get karma for my Yas Forums account?

Thanks in advance!



Hi Mr. Reddit, I have a question for you: how did so many retards fall for this obvious bait?
-le dank ebic Yas Forums user pepe kek trannies mad

Post skintone

lmao double digit iq retards itt not seeing this obvious bait

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Attached: hrqrdzc7f7g21.png (1024x987, 35.81K)

t. retard newfag who can't spot a bait this obvious from a mile away

Prove racism is a bad thing

fpbp as always