Heeeyy, hold up. Did you forget something? Were you just gonna walk out of the gym just like that...

>Heeeyy, hold up. Did you forget something? Were you just gonna walk out of the gym just like that? Us gym receptionists don't stand around here for charity you know.. So, do you have anything for me?

Attached: receptionist.jpg (632x1024, 66.33K)

as a matter of fact I do
*unzips dick*
open wide

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I'll never forget when our receptionist put up a tip jar. It was removed the next day and an apology was put up on the company facebook.

It also said "show me your tips!"

Why yes, we do

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Watch this movie to boost test

Attached: MV5BOTg5ZDRlZjItODNmMy00MDI0LWIwOGYtZjA1ODEyN2U1ZTkwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_UY1200_CR88,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 94.24K)

is it a gay movie?

*brings in Tyrone*

I have nothing. Nobody loves me. And I don't love anyone. I owe nothing. My penis is average. Goodbye

Attached: xOycvCfgvJFHPuk-800x450-noPad.jpg (750x410, 51.34K)

How do you even unzip your dick

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Hello new friend