Madcow or Texas Method

I am trying to get an educated, definitive opinion on which program to do after SS. One of these two will be the next one I do. I'm pretty much done with SS and the last couple weeks I have been on a cut because I gained a lot of weight (on SS). I've just been fucking around in the gym the last two weeks. I've looked up info on both of them but I really have no idea which would be better.

Stats: 5'6" 153lbs (as of today) Here's my numbers: ( I haven't really tried for a 1RM while I've been on SS)

Bench: 3x5 @ 160lbs

Squat: 4/4/3 @ 255 (Squats have been stuck for a couple weeks)

OHP: 3x5 @ 115

DL: 1x4 @ 295

I've been on SS since November.

As always, thanks for the input. Much appreciated.

Attached: StartingStrength.jpg (1956x2560, 788.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: LiftingPrograms.gif (2544x1850, 760.4K)

Read the sticky, asswipe. You aren't special.

I would suggest the Texas Cow method! Look it up! Worked great for me!

>on a cut
>doing SS
>weigh 153lbs
you're not doing the fucking program, retard.

No need for namecalling. If you do not have anything to contribute to the thread, then please do not respond.

Can anyone please update my post?

TM should be done after SS, as the two are almost inseparable through their design. SS naturally flows into TM and Vice versa. Get the book or rip it from somewhere and read about TM progression.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. He's got a good point, an important part to strength training is eating enough, and it doesn't sound like you're doing literally 50% of the program.

Replying to my own post, if your doing SS on a cut ur doing it wrong. Again, read the book or rip it from somewhere. Mark describes the kinda diet one needs to be on if they start out skinny or fat. If ur fat you should still be consuming 3000-3500 calories a day but in a paleo/low carb diet.

TM and Madcow are both shit programs. Don't do either
>If ur fat you should still be consuming 3000-3500 calories a day but in a paleo/low carb diet.
Fucking hell you people are dumbasses


What should I do then? Also can you please post lifts/body so we can ensure it’s sound advice?

Yea? I put in the fucking post that it was a samefag, I forgot to respond to the other half of his post. Fucking newfags ruining this site

A beginner who’s obese can lose fat and gain muscle while lifting and eating better. Generally if someone is obese they’re consuming a lot more calories then that.

>A beginner who’s obese can lose fat and gain muscle while lifting and eating better. Generally if someone is obese they’re consuming a lot more calories then that.
Not to any significant degree. It's better to lose fat
>Also can you please post lifts/body so we can ensure it’s sound advice?
If you don't care about what I have to say then keep doing whatever shit you're doing. I was trying to help

What should I do then?

>Nerd Tier (must have IQ higher than bodyweight in kg)
Barbell Medicine
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
GZCL (any variation)
TSA 9 Week
Blevins Skynet AI ($, but cheap)

Are you the same person from /plg/ who keeps pasting the same 4 links who ended SS with a 60 kg bench?

>If you don't care about what I have to say then keep doing whatever shit you're doing. I was trying to help
How? All you said was they’re shit programs.

>samefag doubling down
>I-I was only pretending 2 be r*tarded
Fuck off.

Are you someone who thinks what you lift during an LP actually matters?

OP I went from normal 5x5 to Madcow and got my bench up by 40 pounds easy. I also just started doing 3x12 at the end of every exercise of a smaller weight, for hyper trophy, and it's working.

So let's say your final set on bench is 175, I'll complete the set, and then calculate 2/3 of 170. That's 115 pounds. So I do 3x12 of 115 pounds. It's not a lot but the last few reps you'll feel some work. It's helped me gain mass easy.

Make sure you do pull ups, chin ups, dips and other calisthenics.

Mark "GILF" Rippetoe aka Gallon I'd Like to Fuck gives retarded diet advice. Try deloading 10-15% on your weight totals before climbing back up for squats. Be careful with being on too much of a deficit if you are trying to move your lifts. Look into DUP (Daily Undulating Periodization) or maybe Candito's 6 Week program if you need to switch it up

Not sure if I was clear, I'm saying for madcow you should take 2/3 of your final set on every exercise, and do that weight for 3x12.

Pic related it's me.

Attached: images (50).jpg (468x655, 29.8K)

Not being able to run SS without fucking it up is a bad sign of things to come.

Spending 4 months to get to 65kg bench and another 12 to get to 80kg bench is below Rasputin levels of GDE.

I bench 150kg now. What do you bench now?

Weekly reminder. If you can tell who someone is just by how they reply and what they are constantly posting about then you need to make the conscious effort to filter them

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>no video proof
>no mention of body weight when that lift was achieved
>took two /plg/ threads to pry this number from him
>still won’t post body

My bodyweight is 105kg.
>took two /plg/ threads to pry this number from him
What do you mean? I never bothered mentioning it because it doesn't matter

>I never bothered mentioning it because it doesn't matter
MULTIPLE people asked repeatedly and you kept dodging it. The thread is still up too

Attached: A01D3846-DBB1-4B74-A560-F98F7160F77C.jpg (828x1278, 287.58K)

I wasn't dodging it. I didn't bother because like I said it doesn't matter. Knowledge and strength are not the same

This is copied directly from Reddit 8 years ago: