How are you doing today, King?

How are you doing today, King?

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Can't stop smoking weed all day in quarantine. Really need to keep it to the evening

Got drunk and high last night and ate a bit of every snack in the house. I can maybe have a cup of coffee today tops I fucked up a weeks worth of eating right easy. Gonna have to go for a run or long ass hike too.

Terrible, bodyweight shit just isn‘t doing it except for pullups which i do at the gym anyways. Bands should arrive soon, so hopefully that‘ll be better

it's hilarious how BTFO democrats are going to be in november. biden is an absolute joke and dems just went all-in on him lmfao

I want to kill my ex/gf

Im now 2 weeks into noweed after smoking 2-3g a day for 5 years. I want some so bad im so bored.

where did you get all of this weed from even?
remember, you can always stop - or just throw it out of the window, the withdrawl symptoms are better than smoking
you didn't fuck up my King, just keep eating well and maybe fast for a day or two to burn off all that glycogen you've stored in, hikes are a good idea tho
you're lucky to have the pullup bar at least, mine is shit and i'm looking for a working one
why would you want to do that? did you just break up?

He might beat Trump but he's a joke regardless.

I have a medical card so my weed is considered essential lol. I like doing it in moderation but I'm having trouble with that being around the house all day

Also my brother left to his own appartment and took my dumbbell and the few weights i had (about 30kg) with him so he can still work out. Once this is over and gyms open again i‘ll do anything i can to get stronger than this dipshit and when the day comes we‘ll lift together at the gym and i‘ll mog the fuck out of him on alm lifts so bad he‘s gonna turn red from being so embarassed the son of a bitch. Can‘t wait.

Fat nigga

I just fapped to massage porn

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Stepped on the scale this morning one pound lighter. I haven't had liquor or candy in over a week. Feels good man.

Six pack incoming this summer boys.

uni won't be in person and we'll have to do conference calls with webcams so that sucks, feeling a bit down because of this whole isolation thing. atleast tinder made the passport feature free so that I can match with dozens of hot african chicks.

havent worked out in 3 weeks. started drinking and smoking and eating like shit again. it took just 3 weeks to undo all the progress i made over the past year

do you even want to quit?
don't do that again my King, you know that you can be better than this
hell yeah, small steps!
my uni does literally nothing but sends us some random questions to do over the weeks, but why swipe on chicks you won't fuck anyway?
you didn't undo all the progress, just slipped a bit King - your muscles won't dissapear so fast or your health gains
remember, tommorow is the new day and you can start it all over!

also there's the King server, feel free to join

>but why swipe on chicks you won't fuck anyway?
boosts my ego, makes me smile, and I get to imagine myself as that tuxedo Pepe who has his head against a black woman's thigh. You know, the he cute one.

No I don't want to completely quit and I never said I did. I just want to wait until after 5 pm or so, and only about 3 days a week


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Not great.

My friends have been a bit mean with me, half-jokingly saying I'm pathetic and untrustworthy (this last part over a simple misunderstanding in one particular bet that envolved money). Feeling pretty insecure rn.

I also can't seem to shake the loneliness off these last couple of weeks. I'm now a 22 yo khv, only fell in love once and that ended almost 8 years ago now, have seen the girl a few times over the years. She's clearly disturbed by my presence as I was autistic af when she and I went to the same school, but I honest to God haven't got over her yet. Don't think I will unless I meet someone who makes me feel something again, either. Thing is, no girl I meet comes close to being really imteresting to me, which doesn't help.

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Me too user, me too.

Sounds like you're idolising that girl user. Your memory of her is better than she actually is.

>animeposter is a faggot
Every time

I'm trying to work up the courage to try my first attempt at Jeff's "Perfect Home Workout", just watching the video was intimidating.

I really fell behind not being able to hit the gym for almost 2 months now. My gains are still mostly there because I've been watching my food but my motivation and self worth took a huge hit and it's hard to recover to force myself to get back into the Yas Forums groove.

Depressed and bored because the gym is closed.

Maybe I'm screwed up but I don't know how you guys get attached to a girl you've never even been intimate with. It took 3 months of intense sex for me to really be attached to my first gf.

Since then I've been with, dated and known a lot of different girls and I've never really felt too bothered if they left or whatever. There are just too many girls in the world to be that caught up with one. You need to get out in the world more and socialise, you will realise that there are a lot of women out there and that this one wasn't really that special.

Been working out 6x a time, eating clean, it was great, but just lost my government job because the public debt has gone up already and they have to cut spending, and they'll start with the newer people. The job I spend 2 years getting the qualifications necessary.

Fuck my life.

I'm quite sure I am actually putting her on a pedestal, of that I have no doubts. I met her during a shit time in my early teens, I was depressive, self-destructive and spiteful. She on the other hand had a lot of light and life inside her, was beautiful, friendly, caring and grounded to boot. When we first met I was almost instantly attracted not as much to her as to what she represented to me, and I was able to move through my depression. Great girl, thou and well worth loving, everyone who knows her says so.

Anyway, I was way too autistic to even try to hide my creepiness at the time, and even though we spoke a bit over the years my previous behaviour makes her visibly unconfortable to be in my presence, which I really don't blame her. Still, it makes her unwilling to give me a chance. Today, even though I think I might still feel for her, or at least her memory, I'm now more interested in making up for the shit I put her through than anything romantic. Honestly don't know what I would do if I did actually had a shot at a relationship with her today, thou.

I have met several girls after that, however none seems to be quite good enough. Of the most recent girls one was a slut that already had a relationship in her home state, one was great but a bit ugly (face and frame, not much she could improve her), was straight out a long-term relationship and seemed to be more interested im emotional support than anything else, the last one didn't really made me interested at all. Not really a hook-up guy also, that feels wrong to me.

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well atleast some boomers with pre existing medical conditions can live a bit longer than they would have without the quarantine so that's good atleast, right? We all have to make sacrifices for this noble goal.

>lmao dude just crash the whole world so that 80 year olds can live out their last few years which are pretty much torture anyways

Bros how do you cope in this lockdown? I hate not doing anything and having to stay in one place every day. Its been a month i havent stepped outside and theyre not lifting lockdown until end lf this month

>he doesn't want to experience living in a retirement home where you watch tv all day pausing only to get rolled to the toiled and to get your ass wiped by a minority worker working for a slave wage because you are unable to do it yourself

Bad. I miss going to the gym so much and this lockdown will still last a couple months. Feels bad seeing my body wasting away and me getting chubbier by the day. I keep trying doing shit like push ups and pull ups at home but this is not any fun.

Not so good, I’m supposed to be working from home but can’t focus, the reason I’m posting here now. Other then that things are okay I guess, home workouts are going pretty good and I really enjoy them.

This is juvenile as fuck but how do I back out of dming for a group of friends at work. I always join these things thinking it’ll be fun but then I realize what it entails and just don’t want to play anymore, I’ve already had to deal with some shit and now they want to do some stupid ass online thing that I want no part of yet I said yes cause I feel like I had to. I’m probably just gonna do the one session, see how it goes and hopefully it’s fun, if not I’ll just be honest and tell them I’m not interested and don’t want to waste their time

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