Importance of shoulders width in attractiveness

A study found "Actually, that’s unfair to suits. Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts, making suits the more powerful of the two. Do you know that lustful feeling well-cloven cleavage can instil in you? Well, broad shoulders give women that same feeling, except stronger"

Work on your shoulders, everybody

Attached: shoulders-featured (1).jpg (1564x1564, 416.68K)

Post screencap of that quote lol, bs

this is why people who prioritize OHP over bench are chads after all

yes yes however
when they see model face that makes them react even more.

I have broad shoulders and small waist at 6'2 height
1.9 shoulder waist ratio (broadest point compared to narrowest point)
Im also 27kissless virgin and i have been rejected more times than i can count


does it matter ?

then you're probably resccsed

>1.9 shoulder waist ratio
post body

What's your bideltoid breadth and acromion width ,anons?

Attached: 9bbdyV9.png (672x791, 379.28K)

He just made it up i think.

Attached: file.png (1695x650, 341.83K)


53cm bideltoidlet here. Virgin so it make sense

Have you been shoulder mogged by a girl (not a fat girl just a really masculine looking skinny girl)?

I don't care about being height mogged by frame mogged by women is terrifying,

Attached: unnamed.jpg (342x512, 60.65K)

No, didn't happen

My chubby ex could easily overpower me and looked wider. You shouldn't feel bad though. The girl in your pic is like a monster female attractiveness wise

not the best pic ever and im fat atm

Attached: IMG_20200408_223349~2.jpg (1658x1433, 388.33K)

I got your back user. 61.5 cm at 10% bodyfat, KHV

Training your lateral delts does indeed help in creating that V-taper look, but prioritizing your lats and having

Monster female as a bad or good thing? Broad shoulders on women is very unattractive trait, it's the equal to narrow shoulder wide waist dudes.

broad shoulders is non issue if she has wide hips with it
but its very rare

and you can't get a 6-7/10 girl? sorry but it must be autism then

This is mostly true but still depends on the girl. My gf loves my shoulders first, second comes the back and third abs but my gym bro's gf loves his biceps first, second the pecs and third the back. But broad shoulders are mostly viewed well. I think is an animal instinct, broad shoulders make you look bigger, so a girl find you more dominant and other males find you more threatening

Bad thing ofc. Big frame females are unattractive as you point out.
Chubsters usually have not very wide but robust hourglass frames. I bet they produce Chad sons

Mine is a tad over 24" at 5'10"/275lbs

Once I got stuck in an MRI chamber, and the bed kept sliding in but I was jammed in the tube at my shoulders. I also was not able to fit into an old Soviet Submarine moored off the Long Beach harbor. Needed to turn sideways to fit through doors in a house I rented in New Zealand. Is swear everything there is like 75% the size of stuff in the States.

Also, most long sleep shirts fit like shit In order to fit the shoulders and arms, have to get oversized stuff that hangs like a dress.

I Imagine that tall freaks like Thor and Morgan Aste must be many inches beyond mine, just based on height alone.

Girls can't judge dimensions for shit. I had a completely untrained 54cm bideltoid width and got commented as narrow

Face = everything

If you are not attractive, don't bother. How many fucking more times? You will not look like pic related even if by some miracle you achieve that physique. You will look subhuman like Jeff Cavaliere

>You will not look like pic related

You won't...

You're just fat it doesn't count

Or dick size or height.. or pretty much anything else except how much a pair of shoes or a purse cost

If they like you the will way overestimate, and if they don't they will way underestimate.

Waist to compliment this woman shoulders are unheard of, Cartoonish like

>Started to pay more attention to my shoulders
>Almost immediately the gyms close
Anyone got some good dumbbell routines for the shoulder?

Attached: Man.png (712x720, 1.03M)

nah, steroids.

Truth. Shoulders, chest and biceps attract women initially.

Not true. I agree that face is 80% of your attractiveness value (unless you're extreme in other things like sub 5'5 or comically framelet) but you can run Height+Frame+Muscle game to attract the sexually very submissive women (around 25-30% of all women according to multiple studies which is a lot considering 90% of guys aren't muscular tall with broad shoulders so that keep you in high demand).

no shit. shoulders>all
even if you have no mass, broad shoulders will make you look masculine af in the eyes of women. when women say they like muscular men, what they're actually saying is that they like men with broad shoulders. if you have naturally narrow shoulders, don't even bother lifting.

>Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts

Does that mean my shoulders are my tits? Then what is my ass?

your quads