I walk in the gym and people can feel the negative energy. People give me weird looks...

I walk in the gym and people can feel the negative energy. People give me weird looks, angry stares or backhanded comments that i ignore in the moment but i go home and think about why they said it.

Im starting to realise that my unhappiness is having a negative effect on others and its not just in my head anymore. I was doing a medium paced jog on the treadmill today when a really attractive female came up and used the machine beside me constantly looking at me. I immediately thought "would that be acceptable if the gender roles were reversed, no it wouldn't be thats why females build female only gyms" then i jumped off the machine walked out the door and slammed it that hard the who gym heard it.

Its getting to the point of my anger being toxic, and im toxic to be around. I just want to jump on peoples skulls for being less intelligent than i am. Just go live in the mountains and never speak to people again.

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at first I wanted to sympathize with you and then I read the rest and was like "plz don't have kids cause they'll become gay like their dad"


Imagine thinking you have superior intelligence while simultaneously not recognizing the joy and complex wonder that is life.

I wish you would say that to me in person. I would just latch onto you and stab you in the face 50 times. Starting with your eyes, then your neck. Then i would crunch your skull under the weight of my boot.

>I just want to jump on peoples skulls for being less intelligent than i am
Have you actually achieved anything on life?


Such as?

I worked on a project that made the washing machine 30% more efficient

shut the fuck up edgelord you wouldn't do shit.

>we meet in person
>face to face, man to man
>i tell you how im sorry and just a shit talker
>sincerely apologise for what ive said
>you jolt towards me ro prove you are more dominant
>i cower and move away looking upset
>you walk away and make it a few meters
>i silently creep up behind you and start stabbing you in your stupid fucking spine
>luckily an ambulance is nearby and saw the whole thing
>they call the police and make their way over to try to give assistance
>i stand guard over you thrusting at anyone who comes close while you struggle to gain consciousness
>you die because the ambulance was unable to give assistance

No wonder people give you strange looks, you cringe fedora faggot.

t. Turbofaggot

It's time to stop posting, son.

Wear a red singlet to the gym tomorrow. If i see you wearing red at my local gym i will know exactly who to attack

Just admit you're a fag already

soo you're like 15 right

Tried it, its not for me.

OP you sound like a huge bitch

One of the worst feelings a lot of us go through is when we realize we aren't actually that much smarter than everyone else. It's just that they're much more emotionally stable and confident in their ability to just exist that they're not questioning every little thing.

are you diagnosed with autism?

For you

Meet me in person, stab you everywhere faggot


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Based wisdomposter

No schizo typal personality disorder, doctor handed me the dsm and told me to take it home and read it.i found several inconsistencies and repeated symtoms then i cross referenced those with the medication given to trest those conditions and realised the fallacy of the mental health system

Try smelling a women's ass already, you Yas Forums-tier incel faggot

I started having vaginal and anal sex with my girlfriend at a very young age. Shes desd now car hit a truck while she was on drugs. Body was too badly damaged for me to see her body.

No it's for you as well. Look I know we don't put effort into Yas Forums posting, but I can tell by your syntax that you aren't hiding any fucking genius behind your toxicity.

What did her ass smell like

Add retarded to the list

Yeah ive played 007 too faggot, fuckin looser you dont knpw what genius is faggot dont pretend sooner you stop pretending the better off your daughter will be