Thoughts on Elliott Hulse? Or as he used to be known... YO ELLIOTT!

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i used to watch him before i started going to the gym. dude chats a lot of bullshit and takes 5 years to make a single point. i'm pretty sure he's legit insane, last i heard of him he was spending life as a woman or some shit?
the only thing i ever took from him was going for a 20 min walk after a workout.

Absolutely lost the plot.

talentless steroid drug addict who thinks he's a lot smarter than he is

He had some good points in his training advice videos but other than that he is completely insane and delusional. He believes in all kind of woo woo voodoo shit and plenty of nonsense consipracy theories.

many such cases, sad


He's what I call a motivated retard.
It's inspiring really because it reminds you that you can get quite far doing whatever you want so long as you are motivated, even if you're retarded.


So incredibly high on his own farts




he grew a gross beard and now goes MGTOW type videos

his wife is also shockingly ugly

he roided/bloated up for a while, back when he was doing amateur strongman

Decent for basic information - and pretty good in terms of motivational content as well.

In his later years he started to go off the deep end with is conspiracy theories and anti-feminist rants, though.

>he grew a gross beard and now goes MGTOW type videos

Yeah that's kind of a shame. He used to speak in a relatable, but motivational manner. Now he speaks as if he clearly has a few screws loose in his head.

I still bookmarked a couple of his better older videos to psych myself up before a serious training session, though.

checked and also may you send the vids


terrible advice
horrible camera presence

He has the ideal physique and his training advice is spot on.
Pretty cool dude


>anti-feminist rants
That sounds pretty based honestly, but every screencap I see of him on here he legitimately looks more and more like a schizo.

another mulatto w a broken brain

>anti-feminist rants
But that's a good thing

hes just an enormous youtube shill preying on other peoples lack of knowledge and experience for $$

he started as somewhat a chill and moderately based boy, teaching the basics over youtube
> time pass
start getting more and more about "making the cure for the weak/betas"
> make your voice deeper, be more alpha
> breathing techniques
I do recall him joining some sort of cult but cant remember what it was
whatever you do, boys.. no matter how short/fat or scared you might be of who you are ?
dont try this hard to appear "manlier"

there might be something about breathing properly and pushing your heels through the floor to push heavier weights and most probably a connection with hypoertrophy but doing this shit ? find a better guru

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are there actually any decent youtubers you guys would recommend?

i used to only watch pic related for the occasional chuckle over some dumbasses situation they'd email in

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> Frank Mcgrath
> Antoine Vaillant (so humble and genuine, you cant hate him)
> John Meadows (mountaindog1)
> Evan centopani (glass evan, the purifier)
> Joe Benett (hypertrophy coach)
and the golden one of course, because golden one

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Yeah no, it really isn't. Its a huge sign of his insecurity and brainlet status.

btw i'm trans if that matters

Reminder than men who believe in feminism are rapists, pedos, or both

Honestly you should just browse them all until you find one you agree with and just stick with his advice.
Every channel/person has this as a job and repackages the same old info into 10 minutes of bullshit adding some personal touches to "make it their own", and half the content is "never do xxx like THIS" which is a video contradicting everything some other person has just told you to do.
Its flooded with so much information and "information" that it has horseshoed into no information, just a mess of contradicting content creators trying to get views and sell programs.
I think Jeff Nippard is a good sauce. But thats just me, but its a good place to start anyways.

Yeah no, it really is. Criticize him on something that isn't actually a pro you pozz'd faggot.

Thanks m8