Are girls going to be more slutty than normal after the lockdown?

Are girls going to be more slutty than normal after the lockdown?

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Yes but it's a year away so keep looksmaxxing in the meantime

>it's a year away

They've still been slutty during lockdown. Just not with you.

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Girls already reached the slutty plateau but there will be a backlog and ample opportunity. I'll be sitting this one out to focus on gains, but good luck, stay safe user.

I was watching CBC today and they said there was a "glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel" after 4 weeks of telling me that myself, my family, friends and community were approaching imminent death 24/7.

this whole thing is ridiculous.

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I definitely am

Yes, not that it'll help you lmao

I don't think the lockdown is even stopping them on the hookup apps right now bro.

Who cares? Keep making gains and the right ones will come to you

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All women are whores


They will be when they see the corona gains I've made during lockdown. When it looks like the shit is coming to an end I'm going to jump on cycle to maximize the aesthetic.

There will be no after-lockdown, Coronavirus is a hoax if you haven't noticed already. It's used by governments to implement ever increasing tyrannical laws and make sure that there is no opposition anymore in the future. I'm glad that my president at least realizes this and wants to reopen america in may again. I just hope he succeeds against the deepstate.

fucking lmao if you don't have a homegym that you can use to trade for sex with desperate gym sluts

Post hole

>tfw fasting while everyone else is getting fat from boredom-eating

I will never allow w*men into my temple.

>after the lockdown

You will never be successful with girls.
this here

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no you don't understand they say every normal death is a corona death now so they inflate the numbers and because of the virus is actually in everyone because it's the common cold look it up the cold is literally corona virus its just the flu if you test every person who dies for a strain of the flu its actually the flu. (((they))) do all of this because they want to stop trump from getting reelected so they just create a mass panic so everybody panics and blames trump for all the deaths even though it's a hoax. i know a guy who actually works in a hospital and he says it's all fake everything is normal and people are just freaking out and flooding the hospitals because of the media and he says the hospitals are actually empty and that they don't even test people because they know it's fake but they also panic because of the media so they just say everybody died of corona. it's actually 5g look it up china put 5g in wuhan and now wuhan is dead seriously this is so obvious look what happens when you put food in a microwave and they just put those things everywhere and now they blame some hoax virus for all the deaths. and they knew about it from the start the china bought this virus from a canadian biolab and released it to decrease the population and the western governments are using this to create complete control over society by crashing the world economy so people turn on eachother when the food runs out and make everybody scared of eachother to catch some virus that doesn't exist because it's all just fake statistics by jewish doctors who want to get more funding for they're hospitals so they can get more money even though this is just the flu

Lmao nigga wtf u mean, its already over


Hey, the right ONES may come to you, but only the right ONE will end up with you.

Not gonna lie you had me until you brought up 5g

>Mfw when horny masked girls are gonna be a lot more common

My Dick can only go harder

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post feet

el basado!
