Is there anything worse than pencil neck? I'm already ugly as fuck with a giant long head...

Is there anything worse than pencil neck? I'm already ugly as fuck with a giant long head. The neck just brings it to another level of embarrassment. Train your neck boys...

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start doing tricep extensions and bench press with your neck hanging off the bench, you'll instinctually do an isometric contraction of ALL of your neck muscles at 100% of their capability, without risking injury like a lot of neck exercises do
i've never done isolations, but this trick has made my neck fucking rich piana mode

You're not ugly. Your bone structure is good, that's enough by itself to put you at average. Good hairline too.

your neck had it's fluids drained, refilled with a plasticy cement, and dropped under several feet of concrete?

your neck looks fine brah quit being a faggot. you’re overreacting and convincing yourself it’s bad probably because of some stupid shit you saw from some Yas Forumscel who posts his gay blackpills here even though he’s never worked out in his life

what the hell are you talking about, you look great, king.
just keep lifting

I have a recessed chin and jaw, and eye area. This picture doesn't show all of that. This is about the neck anyways

send me pic

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That's absolutely not a recessed chin user. This is a recessed chin.

Attached: gKq88UX.jpg (720x540, 25.53K)

Can a recessed chin be fixed? Asking for a friend

you spent too much time on the internet dude, that's body dismorphia. You look good, don't overthink it. Keep lifting, eat well, sleep as much as you can, everything's ok.


ur fine

surgery. or intensive blowjob exercises aka mew boy

You look like jim norton

You are a bug man and your neck exists only for my hands to wrap around it

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That peckah kissing peesa gahbage wishes his goiter was that unturkey like

I would go balls deep in that ass, bro, no homo
Anymore pic?

I honestly think you look good

Go back to discord you freak

stop going on lookism and r9k

You can get muscles to hide it, go to work.

while y ou kiss him passionately

Lookism causes permanent psychological damage. I'm glad I escaped that place about 18 months ago but I still fucking hate myself and compare myself to models all the time

is this a troll? You look good, nice head and overall structure.

than train your neck and stop crying

men in speedos are kinda hot ngl, not even gay

>Is there anything worse than pencil neck?
pencil dick

bro I'd switch faces with you if i could
you look great

The ugly thing about you is not your absolutely fine neck and face. The ugliness comes from the fact that you are acting like a teen girl who is desperate for like and reassurance.
"I am ugly :("
"No you aren't you are fabulous "
"You are fine as hell gurl"

It is literally the easiest plastic surgery but unfortunately due to Corona, who knows when that will be.