The POLYNESIAN BVLL is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity

The POLYNESIAN BVLL is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to exposure from the sun and wind of the pacific ocean, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The brown skin reminds us of our warriors, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The POLYNESIAN man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(??*?? Huwhitoids, insects)

The summit expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The POLYNESIAN penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the POLYNESIAN man the most masculine of men. His large black penis is able fulfill the desires of the neediest of white women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent polynesian seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the POLYNESIAN BVLL impregnates.

In total, the POLYNESIAN man expresses masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this the reason why the POLYNESIAN BVLL is the epitome of masculinity.

Attached: tumblr_nlztuxfmit1qkc9jco3_1280.jpg (1230x1920, 458.58K)

Op i see a lot of faggots on this board but YOU are the biggest faggot ive ever seen.

>those femhands
Uh huh.


Go home bruhdah Kieka, it is getting late and you have to be up for Dawn patrol in the morning.

Most of them can't string a sentence together. They're ugly too, so yeah.

Except polynesians are on average hamplanets. They suffer from the highest rate of obesity in the world. They are mostly fatties, and if I, or any somewhat fit WHITE EVROPEAN WARLORD (americans excluded, they are also on average fatties), we would just have to let the fight run for more than 30 seconds, and they would collapse on the floor due to the heart attack provoked by the effort of moving their fat around.

Fuck hamplanets.

The polynesian BVLL does care of your cowardly notions of superiority.

Not even kidding, I'm aesthetic and tall and big but I've been straight up cucked by a swole aesthetic Polynesian dude

Guy had the face structure of OPs pic but more handsome, was like 6'0" 240lb all muscle tribal tattoos all over like 8 years older than me. Straight up stole my girlfriend at the time to use as pretty much his sex object over a dramatic 2 month feud between him and I, 100& dead srs dude was aggressive and dominant as fuck, out-alphad me easily

I dont believe you