Girl (boy) here

Girl (boy) here.
How do I get thigh gap?

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Glue wooden log between legs

why do you care? it's not attractive at all OP's pic looks fucking ridiculous.

When i use my computer i put a jar between my legs and i kept it firm

Tuck your dick between your thighs and jam it up your ass

take Pimozide

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kill yourself degenerate freak

I've never in my life heard a man give a shit about a thigh gap, literally only women give a shit. Just stay active and you'll be more attractive than 90% of women, at least in the states, whether or not you end up having one

it's trying to say it's a tranny, user

no user, he's a mentally ill tranny piece of shit.

please love me and cook for me
ill do anything for you please oh gpod pelaee i need love

Never stop posting


Do rope hangs until failure op

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your best bet is to be born a biological woman. so too late for that

As much as I'd like for there to be medical treatment of gender dysphoria that doesn't involve sterilisation and mutilation, a sample size of 1 isn't great.

Go to the psych ward.

OP is obviously shitposting as they never came back, but thigh gaps are gross. But yeah sage because OP is a shitposter.

dilate x f

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I give a shit. I was describing thigh-gap as exactly what I was looking for before it became a meme. OP's pic is beautiful.

It's a political decision to not allow such a treatment to exist. I'm convinced you can treat perversions like faggotry and trannies with antipsychotics. The alternative is to publicly execute them.

Actual answer: you can't. Cis women can't. It's one of those pro-ana "you should be able to wrap your thumb and index finger around your wrist" things that somehow made it into the mainstream. Some skinny girls and guys have it because of the way their legs are positioned, but if that's not you it's about as important as not having a hitchhiker's thumb or attached earlobes. You can obsess about it if you want but don't expect anyone else to give a shit.

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You're an idiot. That girl is very healthy. Her thighs are blatantly thick.

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>can wrap my pinky around my wrist
>also have a thigh gap
eating disorders are based actually

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Of course they are. Unless you're ACTUALLY starving and/or absurdly skinny it doesn't matter. Only fat pigs and fat pig apologists will disagree.

You'll never be a girl dude
go back

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>Tiny wrists
>Wide hips
>Not very broad shoulders
I don't suffer gender dysphoria nor do I want to be a girl. Fuck life

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everyone can get a thigh gap if they get to a low enough bmi. i'm currently at 18.7, and i kinda have one but the tops of my thighs still touch each other, so i'm continuing my diet and exercise

just be a pretty bishounen user
slim muscleboys are qt

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Why would you like that, shit looks weird when her legs are short, looks like a frog.
Thigh gap only looks good on slim girls with long legs and anime girls.

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