He spends two hours at the gym

>he spends two hours at the gym

What are these idiots doing for two hours, adjusting their stupid earphones or waiting for all the women to go through the smith machine before they them? Why do people go to the gym just to walk around like mindless idiots instead of lifting for 40-50 minutes and then leaving, are they there to look at my dick?

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if you dont need rests between sets, that set was a joke

Some people just waste their time on useless lifts.

Yeah but how long are you resting for, and are these idiots hitting every body part the same day or something? You don't need more than 45-60 seconds rest unless you're 38 years old or over.

>You don't need more than 45-60 seconds rest unless you're 38 years old or over.
You obviously aren't lifting anything heavy.

post bench vid, better be 315 plus

Heavier than most of the idiots that rest for 1-2 minutes after every single exercise. It's not like they are huge they just waste time checking their phone adjusting their stupid earphones, sipping on their big bird juicebox after every single rep.

about 2 min

The energy system that big lifts use can take up to 3-5 minutes to replenish user.

>You don't need more than 45-60 seconds
alright good bait bro. I'm done with Yas Forums for today.

Compound lifting bruh

>"Are these idiots hitting every body part the same day or something?"
>mfw do full body 5x5 routine

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>spends zero hours at the gym
Cause it's closed and also all the rest of them are closed haha

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If im goin super heavy (for me) ill sometimes rest up to 4 minutes


Yes, for no more than one hour. If you rest for more than 60 seconds you're just wasting time.

I used to lift for two hours. Benching was like 80% with 5 min breaks. And 30-60 mins cardio.

weak faggot who also lives in a third world country where gyms are apparently still open

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Gyms are closed here, don't worry.



>implying Sweden is a third world country
...Tbh not really incorrect actually

>50 minutes
It takes me 85 minutes to get through my physical therapy.

That's with with less than 1 minute rest between exercises btw.

>Cause it's closed and also all the rest of them are closed haha
didn't know back yards, front yards, garages, living rooms, bedrooms, and kitchens were all closed

t. dyel zoomer

Same with me. I usually need to rest up to 5 min during squat sessions. Otherwise I can only do about 3 or 4 reps during my later sets.

>spends zero hours at the gym
>at the gym
I spend zero hours at the gym but I spent probably close to two hours today doing high volume calisthenics, bands, and dumbbells at home then running ~5 miles

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if you rest anything above 1 minute, then you are not a spartan but a silky bitch


that was the subtext of the post you idiot