This is the definition of genetic dead end

This is the definition of genetic dead end.

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indeed this is

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he's also 50. let that sink in.

Cope harder, Jason. You're only 43 btw.

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Chad Sr.

Why does he keep doing the heavy weights?

When I was doing strength training, and I looked like shit, I gave up and stopped it, accepting my shit genetics.

I was only squatting 3 plates for reps, but looked like a bloated mess.

Now Im weak as shit, but I cut down a lot, skinnymaxxed, and at least now I look OK, when I lifted/ate tons of protein/tons of calories and did heavy barbell lifts, I looked like a fat cunt mess.

Hrs trying to hit a 600 lb squat

Jason unironically squats 6 days a week

Yep. It's official. I've never seen a tattoo that isn't trashy.

Imagine putting all that weight on your back week in week out, and looking in the mirror to see a bloated mess.

Thats exactly why I stopped taking lifting so seriously and just skinnymaxxed.

Women only care about face/height and prefer skinny guys over bloated messes

Ottermode is pretty much the most all around appealing body to women