This is the definition of genetic dead end

This is the definition of genetic dead end.

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indeed this is

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he's also 50. let that sink in.

Cope harder, Jason. You're only 43 btw.

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Chad Sr.

Why does he keep doing the heavy weights?

When I was doing strength training, and I looked like shit, I gave up and stopped it, accepting my shit genetics.

I was only squatting 3 plates for reps, but looked like a bloated mess.

Now Im weak as shit, but I cut down a lot, skinnymaxxed, and at least now I look OK, when I lifted/ate tons of protein/tons of calories and did heavy barbell lifts, I looked like a fat cunt mess.

Hrs trying to hit a 600 lb squat

Jason unironically squats 6 days a week

Yep. It's official. I've never seen a tattoo that isn't trashy.

Imagine putting all that weight on your back week in week out, and looking in the mirror to see a bloated mess.

Thats exactly why I stopped taking lifting so seriously and just skinnymaxxed.

Women only care about face/height and prefer skinny guys over bloated messes

Ottermode is pretty much the most all around appealing body to women

I was bullied as a kid so if I'm not feeling like an orc I get crazy. I think Jason is similar

powerlifters are so fucking weird

He only cares about strength, also he looks better then he many years ago. He used to be fatter and didn’t even lift.


believe it or not but some men like fitness for things other then impressing women

Lol, he doesn't squat six times a week

lmao that fat bald manlet is ACTUALLY using a wide angle camera lens in order to make him look bigger than he actually is. so much insecurity.

Or not

>t. fat midget who thinks squatting 3 times a week in order to get his 225 pound squat makes him hot shit

We call those people homosexuals, user

Why does it bother you guys that not everyone lifts for validation from women? There’s a million different reasons someone would start lifting and if you guys wanna lift for women then ok cool, but stop shiting on anons who lift for other reasons.


anyone that doesn't lift for women is lifting for men.

Because that’s what liars say. It always comes back to women

>to improve sport
To impress women
>self confidence
For women
>self defense
Savior fantasy (for women)
>to look good for myself
For women
>for health
For women
>because I’m a firefighter and need t-

Not true

Holy cope

What about powerlifters? Strongmen? Olympic weightlifters??? You honestly think that they think they’re increasing they’re chances of getting women by doing that?

>to improve sport
>To impress women
Imagine actually thinking that people who devote their lives to perfecting a craft just do it for sex. Pussy or ass really isn't that nice. Women are a bonus along the way not the main event.


Yes unironically. They’re trying to be the guy on the top of the hill or bring back a nice rock for pretty girl. This is caveman shit.

if you're fit you will be impressing women

Lol, incredibly delusional and virgin ass is awe

You’re fucking delusional, so You’re saying no matter what, every man on planet earth lifts for the sole purpose of getting women? What about men who are already in a relationship/are married and take up lifting?

I’m saying EVERYTHING is about sex. EVERYTHING.

>I’m saying EVERYTHING is about sex. EVERYTHING.

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It's actually very much the opposite, when you have sex, especially with a consistent girl, then sex because much less important to you.

I disagree

Issac newton lived a life of celibacy and was the father of classical physics.

I like that getting more fit makes me more attractive to women but it's not the main reason I work out. It seems like a shitty motivation with external locus of control that would leave me very unfulfilled.

Like it or not each one of your posts was an attempt to get one over on me specifically so you could position yourself more favorably if femanon shows up (sex)

I guarantee that nerd thought about sex ranch and every day and sperged out at the very sight of woman LOL I would live to kick his ass I’m sure he got so many gravity wedgies lmfao fuck nerdton

was it really enjoyable wasting my time troll