Why is this board so racist, homophobic, fatphobic, transphobic and misogynistic?

I've seen a lot of people here being extremely hateful towards minorities and women. I'm a bisexual black guy and I currently have a white gf whom I'm very open minded with. Today we sat down and browsed this hellhole, and I have to say that it is extremely disgusting. Why the hate? Why are there so many nazis here?

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Weak people feel empowered by putting others down.

Because blacks smell and are hard to look at.

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Kill yourself nigger

>health and fitness
>why is this place fatphobic

FUCK JANNIES (for good measure)

Faggots molest kids, Mexicans stole my fucking job, fat people drain the county's resources, trans people are insufferable abominations that never will be what they want to be, and because women live life on easy mode and have the audacity to tell men how they should live - as if they were qualified to

>Why are there so many nazis here
Because when you put yourself to the goal of self improvement, get into shape, educate yourself in a way that can actually provide resources and value to yourself and your community and sort out your mental and physical health problems through rigorous work and therapy you quickly come to be disgusted by those who refuse to put in effort and fall back on oppression narratives to justify their own weaknesses.

Nice larp, 4/10

This is just about the gayest board on 4channel. Also keep in mind that it's supposed to be about fitness but no one here lifts

Ok then leave.
nice attention whore thread, really showed us.
ok now for the reply
i'm mixed, I will say nignog cracker red skin all I want and not because i'm mixed, because I want to and can.
literally try lurking for more than 2 seconds, fag. 50% of fit is gay. personally I am on team pussy.
hello fatty
all /fraud/s want to fuck traps
I don't have an issue with people having mental illness, they can't control that. I have a problem with people assisting in their irrational impulses
>muh nattttzeeee
only retards are against human autonomy.
let people be as retarded as they want as long as it doesn't fuck with me.
all these people you mention have something in common
minorities, fags, fatties, trannies, and women are all insufferable baby ass motherfuckers thin skin cunts
see this, this is a conversation we are free to converse and not converse.
cool bait
appreciate the (You)

This is NOT a type of person for fucks sake. You can argue about fags and trannies even, i don't agree that it's entirely natural, but you can still have some arguments. But no one is born a fatass (even if a baby is born on the bigger side, they're not born with fatty habits), and fat is not a good choice to make. It is 100% without a reasonable doubt a product of lacking self control, and is 100% only a negative. It is not a fucking marginalized group. The idea of them being one is literally a genius scheme for fatties to continue to excuse themselves and shed off holding any responsibility. The very thing that made them fat in the first place. They deserve 100% of the hate they get.
Race and sex is the only one that is stupid because you literally have 0 control over it, you do not choose your race or sex and have 0 influence on it. Plenty of non whites still get put down here because of racism for the sake of racism, which is dumb. And if a female ever wants to make a point in which her announcing she is a female actually adds validity to it, she's immediately silenced. That is undeniably retarded.

Sodomites get the rope

lol shut up nigger

>everyone responding to this shitty bait
Corona refugees pls go

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some of us are just kinda dumb desu senpai

sure feels a lot like summer around here

This is the correct answer. Yas Forums in general is filled with people who, for lack of any good reason to feel self-worth, cling to their race, gender, sexual identity etc, and try to elevate themselves by treating anything different as lesser.

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Wrong. Strong people are tired of supporting and tolerating the weak.
Even your mindset is weak. Why should I not ve vocal about that which displeases or disgusts me? I have the right and the power to do so.


Incredible, everything you just said was wrong and cringe

RIP your mom.


Based and FUCK JEWS

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Don't take (especially anonymous sites) too personally. I know its bait but normies are more on the internet because of Covid-19, I don't think petty drama will do shit.

holy shit with some of the answers, it's amazing to know that an actual number of redditors is taking over Yas Forums and bringing their PC nigger shit here, amazing

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you're looking for

It's called china virus or wuflu

it's what happens when you grow up into a failure, you lash out and blame and ridicule anyone but (or including) yourself to feel better.

Yas Forums used to be fun, but user has grown up and he's full of regrets and resentment

> pic related save 2007

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everyone here is just trying to pass the time however they can, it isnt obvious to me how many people actually believe the shit they say and how many are larping. but yea, you might be happier on reddit

>equality for all
If it's not for all it's not equality, innit?

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