Dubs and he doesn't pull it

Dubs and he doesn't pull it

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He has no chance
He isn't strong enough

Get fucked you crab in a KFC bucket nigger

This! Le game of thrones heckin epic mountain is gonna showdown with le final boss deadlift and he's gonna do it and it's gonna be heckin' EPIC!!!

Go back to your fag Twitter with that dumpster fire “meme”

How can I get big like this


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I know you think you're funny by being ironic but you're actually way worse for spouting that garbage meme

You are going to feel dumb next month.

There is 0 reason to think he is actually capable of it

Expect the fact that his training Indicates that it is very possible that he can do it.

He struggled with 480kg on an easier bar

trips and he pulls it + eddie commits suicide

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I think it'd be hilarious after all the fucking carrying on if he can't get it. Then again, it'll be pretty fun watching Eddie meltdown if he gets it. Win-win.

Eddie beat him head to head in 2017. He doesn't have any reason to meltdown

that was without a suit tho

Digits and Thor pulls 600kg.

dubs and he misses + everone in this thread gains 40kg on their diddly
trips and he pulls it + we all go to snap city

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i love a roll thread as much as the next horsefucker

dubs and op is gay, thor makes it, and eddie anhero

sounds like he struck a nerve newfags.


quads and everyone gets laid

Dubz and Thor almost makes it but Can’t quite get it to lockout and fails, Eddie either acts like a cunt about it or tries to make amends with Thor and they hug it out like they should.

Imagine unironically believing that subscribing to the /r/Yas Forums subreddit makes you an "oldfag"
kill yourself


quads and everyone gets aids

>+ eddie commits suicide
looks like you asked for too much
odds are he will pull it
but I am on the Shaw side of things, it's not the same and it makes a weird standard.
but fact is, he pulls it he pulls it. it would be by definition the heaviest deadlift.
this will probably change world records.


Oh fuck say goodbye to your gains everyone, we have aids now.

Training aids?
Nutritional aids?
Sleeping aids?

gay aids

n-no homo