
Why do so many people like this guy? He’s obviously on trt and he advocates so much bullshit like breathing out for squats and deadlifts and 10x10 squats with 70-80% of you’re 1rm FOR FUCKING BEGINNERS TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT WTF!!! WHY DO WE NEED TO ACT LIKE EVERYTHING HE SAYS IS CORRECT AND ANYONE WHO THINKS EVEN SLIGHTLY DIFFERENTLY IS AUTOMATICALLY WRONG!?????

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Because do you see how fuckin JACKED he got Jesse?

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Jessie isn’t big at all nor is he strong in anyway, sure he’s made progress and looks good but he’s just lean.

OP here also the quarter squat bullshit he recommends almost forgot that.

OP here im a fag who can't put the science back in strength

What fucking science? Most of the shit he promotes is not promoted by other reputable strength and conditioning YouTubers.

What jesse is fucking HUGE most successful transformation fucking ever sooo strong

He is not huge are you blind? What are his numbers for the main compound lifts?

Are you blind? Look at this majestic beast

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Jesse has a health condition.
For myself, I enjoy listening to Cavaliere because he speaks like the physiotherapists I've visited.
He is on TRT without a doubt, but his knowledge is at least on point with most educated people in the field.

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I’m not saying he’s wrong about everything either, I’m just saying there’s plenty of times he’s promoted bullshit and people just act like it never happened.

Not an argument

hey buddy major league baseball or something

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>he trained some athletes who compete in a sport that’s mostly based on skill so that means he can never be wrong about anything.

your dick smells

Athlean has always been broscience and clickbait.
The real question is: why are you so bothered about it?

Not an argument

Because he’s a con artist that is doing a disservice to millions of people who follow him and it pisses me off that he gets away with it and inevitably ends up discouraging people from ever bothering trying because they don’t need the results they want in a matter of months by following his shitty overpriced programs.

Jeff has a degree in sports medicine, and has trained multiple professional athletes with success. Not to mention he’s extremely, autistically dedicated to his lifestyle and therefor has an amazing body to show for. I’m listening to him over literally anyone else any day of the week for those reasons.

I'm doing the Athlean-X program because of covid and since it requires no equipment at all (i dont own any gym equipment)... I'm actually suprised at how challening it is.

Many other people have a degree in sports medicine and just because he’s trained genetically gifted athlete’s on peds that probably would respond well to any training doesn’t mean it was due to his methods. Also he’s shredded year round, you really think someone who’s job essentially depends on looking good to sell a shitty product to millions of people is natty?

Not a denial

>It’s challenging so it must be good

post body

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You're either trolling or a literal retard. You managed to contradict yourself with only 7 words. Congrats

He's a magnet for DYELs/zoomers who have 0 training knowledge and fall for clickbait titles

This is me from a couple months ago and I’m 18, have been seriously working out for almost 3 years and I pause bench 265, squat 380 and deadlift 450. I don’t look amazing I know but my primary goal is increasing strength and endurance.

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post body with timestamp

>you really think someone who’s job essentially depends on looking good to sell a shitty product to millions of people is natty?
literally everyone has some shitty product to sell, I guarantee you about 95% of his near 10 million subscribers don’t give a shit about his programs/website. They’re just there for his advice and expertise, with a nice visual in his muscles so noobs can see which is which and mind muscle connection yada yada yada. The dude is 5’10, 170 pounds, around 7% bodyfat or something, lifting for 20+ years. That is definitely achievable natty.