Wheyfu thread

It's time

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the only one worthy of your coom

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too bad she can't fix her face

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mirin those abs tbqh

sweet angel of strength
I hope she is holding up ok with all this coronachan going around

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What is this, a wheyfu for manlets?

step your image game up

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disgusting button

here is a better pic.
Barefoot for maximum cooms

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Sauce pls

Considering buying the full length video because I can't find it on any torrent sites and Slava is a real qt pie

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this girls a tiny bit too skinny, if she had a couple percents more BF she would look great. do guys really care about chiselled out abs on women?

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for me, it's megsquats

I'd do anything to have this woman squat on my mouth and take a huge shit down my throat

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Thirsty lezbro is thirsty.

She's a goddess

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>elbows too sharp

>dressing like a whore in public

I hope I never had a daughter

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Did your parents even love you if they didn't do what they could to make sure you got to experience an olympic village orgy?

You won't because you'll never have sex

I love this roastie meme that men who call out their slutty, ridiculous behavior are incels

newsflash....I have fucked tons of women, and now mostly despise their slutty antics, and don't think they should be able to vote either.


ok virgin

>that mole
Maybe if I had 10+ beers I’d let her give me some head or something but only if she put a paper bag over her head before.


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