Why do you judge fat people but you don't judge smokers or drinkers?

Why do you judge fat people but you don't judge smokers or drinkers?

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I do though.

I do. Smoking is a disgusting, vile habit.

because smoking is based and if you don't drink you're an incel and your opinion has no value

Most people here are fat and pretend otherwise.

I jack off to every picture I see of this leftist bitch. Sooo arousing.
Thanks for posting, I will now commence my daily edge.

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I judge them.

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I do but I have way more contempt for fat people

I do

I do
if you don't have self-control you are nothing but a subhuman

>because smoking is based
What the fuck is it with anons and justifying smoking? Is it purely a contrarian thing?

im form the balkans and therefore im based and you're an incel

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Coomin time

>Having pride in being a Slav

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But I do.

cope more westcel

I absolutely judge all three

>not judging smokers
In what world?? Last I checked smoking tobacco makes you immediately very unattractive to most people.

I do. Embrace islam

>implying we're all brainlets who abuse substances

i judge fatties because 99% of the time they are oblivious to the fact that they are both unhealthy and are going to die young, smoking just looks cool and everyone who smokes knows that its damaging them but theyre just so based that they dont care, and i also understand that drinkers drink because they enjoy socializing and alcohol allows people to socialise easier

Smoking is disgusting and unhealthy THEREFORE it is based

i used to regularly bully and insult fat people as a teenager and then i got put on antipsychotics and became fat. life is funny like that, it will humble you one way or another in the end we all die alone

lol at ur life

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i've seen plenty of smokers and drinkers who work out daily. never a fat person though

i have seen a lot of professional athletes when i used to work for a company wich picks them up and drives them across the country and over 50% of them were heavy smokers when they weren't training and most of them were smoking strong cigarettes like marlboro reds

>Why do you judge fat people but you don't judge smokers or drinkers?
bold of you to assume I don't

those who live by the sword die by the sword I guess

>Why do you judge fat people but you don't judge smokers or drinkers
I drink and smoke to give you chumps a chance. I would have already ascended to godhood if I didn't keep fucking over my body.

I judge people that judge smokers or drinkers

Found the actual faggot.

kill this poster

post body incel

Because the majority of them KNOW that thier lifestyle is unhealthy; fatties believe the opposite, and hence are assholes.



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Extremely based user.

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