Thor failing the 501 is going to be the funniest event in lifting history...

Thor failing the 501 is going to be the funniest event in lifting history. I hope you anons have been doing your side raises, you're going to need strong sides for this one

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Ok Ed mate

The strongman community is seething so hard because they know it's going to be broken. Can't wait. Once it happens Eddie will be a nobody.

For the most part they are seething at Eddie though? Just have a read of reddit.

Everyone in the strongman community is a nobody. People only know this thor guy because he was a side character on game of thrones

o, i didnt know that. been watching the strongmen reactions on yt and it seems as though everyone is trying to call timeout and breakout the rulebook.

What makes you think he can do it? He struggled with the elephant at the Arnold with much less weight

desu i hope he gets it cause eddie hall is a fucking cunt.

>burgers literally and unironically unable to comprehend banter

Look at his videos.
He lifted 440 for reps and 480 like it's nothin but a peanut.

That was the fourth event and the second day of the heaviest contest in the world where no one was close to pushing him heavier.
Everybody did better last year because it was the first event.

idk if i'd call what eddie's doing "banter", it's more like whining and he just comes across like pissed off 5 yr old

440 for 3 reps is like a 470 1rm
>480 like it's nothing
not true; he struggled hard, and that was with an easier bar

if he fails the 501 he wont upload it and will claim , "I decided to wait until a legitimate competition is being held"

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Why does Ed hate Icelanders?

Isn't he live streaming it?

no Icalanders in general but Thor and his team.
Apparently they go around in events and try to bully people.

Feeling hydrated?


No one else has beef with Thor though?

It's being livestreamed

All roiders are nobodies. Total loser frauds.

just stating what Eddie said.
I'm pretty sure Brian and others said that when Thor lost in 2017 he was being a bitch about it.
Also they could just not be manchildren like Thor and Eddie

did they get to use a deadlift suit at the Arnold?

>implying anyone cares about anyone in competitive or amateur weightlifting/bodybuilding outside of Arnold 50 years ago
see above

he wasn't wearing a deadlift suit i think the 501 is with a deadlift suit so i'm sure he'll get it

>deadlift suit
adds basically nothing

>>deadlift suit
>adds basically nothing
Oh okay so you don't actually know anything got it

Only low iq nobodys judge people this harshly over something like roids.
Strongman youtubers like eddie, shaw and thor have been gaining huge popularity recently. They are household names at this point quit projecting your asshurt cause you're the actual nobody.

Thor was being a total little bitch about it, it wouldn’t of mattered even if they had counted his rep because you can see Eddie still has a few more in the tank, he beat Thor by one rep because that’s all he needed to do. If Thor would have gotten that last rep Eddie still would have beat him by one but instead Thor just kept whining and throwing his hands up in the air and stomping his feet like a big fucking baby.

I honestly couldnt tell you a damn thing about any if those guys. Whose household other than their own are they household names

Except you can tell he had like 2 or more RIR.
Watch IG his story where he compares his 480 to Eddie's 480, and you'll see how buttery smooth his lift is in comparison.