Now this is a homegym anons. Im blessed. Don't mind me setting up for bench press

Now this is a homegym anons. Im blessed. Don't mind me setting up for bench press.

Attached: IMG_20200413_222005_655.jpg (1080x810, 213.71K)

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god i hate powersharters
you're cheating reps on your training?


No man. Just for setting up my scapula I do it like this

what do you do when it rains

leen mij ff dan

Arching is cheating.

arching makes the lift safer for your shoulders

For now I don't mind the rain, at least I can train. When winter is coming again we probably will built a shelter for it.

what's all the fucking trash in the background

Haha scool man

A small arch, maybe. What powerdyels do is the drastically reduce the ROM and grab the bar as wide as possible to move the most weight the least amount of distance. That's not strength.

Scaffolding and some old garbage. We are going to clean that up and built some extra space for box jumps and other equipment is the plan


Lol. Me, my brother and 2 gym buds

regio 070. ik werk bij basic fit, je krijgt gratis toegang na crisis en handjob rijdens je sqaut

What the fuck speak is this?

>that bar

user don't get cut on that thing or you're a goner

ridiculous b8

This looks like a retard who doesn't know how to type in english. gratis toegang ur mom faggot

Good way to ruin your equipment

Attached: 1493393249630.jpg (768x576, 98.56K)

Haha kk flikker

lemme rape that big ol' american ass of yours you filthy burger

Attached: Country_cff188_5746456.jpg (668x668, 99.21K)

A olympic bar which is rusty. Really don't mind it

Why that


Vlaanderen komt ook af. tot gauw sloeber ;)

how come the wider i grab the bar the more my shoulders hurt?

Because they're not back and retracted but in front of your chest. Probably have rounded shoulders. Have you been doing your daily facepulls user?

Attached: 1586591969230.jpg (1242x952, 1.11M)

face pulls don't do anything