For how long have you been lifting? Have you been consistent?

For how long have you been lifting? Have you been consistent?
Me: 2 years, very consistent. I stopped for about 2-3 weeks once due to some flu shit.

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>started lifting when I was 17
>got gf stopped lifting
>got fat
>broke up
>started lifting
>got gf
>got fat
>broke up
now I’m fat with no gf and can’t lift cuz of quarantine, but I’m doing bodyweight and fasting

>play football in HS
>lift in spare time
>get shit grade cus just want to lift
>crush puss
>be youthful chad
>almost go to jail
>ruin my life
>no lift
>become fat
>realize all that superficial shit didn't matter and I was wasting my time for 20 years (since birth) of life
>been lifting for a year

Why can't you bring your Chad mentality to fix yourself now, also develop more dubs

Why don't just keep lifting while you have a gf? Are you too afraid that she will want to come to the gym and get fucked by chad?

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I took my most recent ex to the gym and she literally cried in the squat rack when I told her she needs to try harder

I’m pretty sure fatness and laziness happen at the same time, and I got fat from eating out with her or ordering pizza almost every day since she doesn’t like beans/rice/chicken breast

>I took my most recent ex to the gym and she literally cried in the squat rack when I told her she needs to try harder

the absolute state of women, sad!

bro you're dating the wrong women

>Could you draw me a gorilla?

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You're pathetic

I have a problem of dating the first girl that gives me attention, but I broke up with her dont worry


How is user pathetic for taking his gf to the gym and telling her she's not working out. You're either a simp or an incel there's literally no way this comment makes you look good lmao

>Xavier University

Lol Ohiofag

Going there in August tho

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girls in this country on tinder are destroyed with makeup, oompa loompa lookin hoes, settle down with a cute trad italian gf instead

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I used to do the same. I was really fit back in high school and early college, but insecure. I'd settle for low quality high maintenance women. Ironically enough, I met my fiance when I was depressed and as out of shape as I'd ever been. Literally the highest quality woman I've ever met, so much so that it would seem like a larp to describe her. My situation was obviously lucky, but you should really raise your standards and unironically "just be yourself bro." If I can get a decent girl at my lowest, you can do so once you get back to your peak. Idk if that's helpful, just sharing my experience

how are italian women?

>how long have you been lifting?
1 year as of this month
>have you been consistent?

I had real fuckarounditis till August, but my only real goal at the time was the lose weight and get used to going to the gym 3 days a week

On September I started going 6 days a week and I started a 3 month bulk and gained hypertrophy mass but not much strength due to poor planning/avoiding compounds.

Since January I've been on a PPL program and have made pretty decent gains in strength considering I fucked around for so long

5'7, 161 lb, 20% bf roughly

current working sets
>210 lb 5x5, hoping to get to 225 for sets
>115 lb 5x5, can add another 5-10 pounds for now
>310 lb 1x5 PR, can probably milk this to 350 lb before I stall
>235 lb 5x5, taking this one slow...gonna switch to 3x5 and do a volume day. Can easily add another 20 pounds

For stuffing his face for some greedy slag rather than telling her to fuck off and eating better

I first went to gym almost ten years ago and I've never lifted for more than few months in a row lmao.

Based brainlet

you are correct I was pathetic

I've been lifting for 7 years. But I've been very inconsistent. I've acquired some gains, but I'm nowhere near where I should be for 7 years. Consistency is crucial. Even if your diet is perfect your gains will be minimal without consistency.

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an undead wife?

9 years lifting. Natty

505 bp 635 squat 370 clean and jerk

Ive become more and more lax each year. I dont care about diet or routine at all. Today i ate nothing but a box of goldfish crackers and still hit my maintenance lifts.

Consistency is key

Corkman here. Took the Med pill. Wife is from Cyprus. Do it bhoy.

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Hahahha based
I want white kids though
>Importing women
You're as bad as weebs.

I have been lifting for about 8 years now :)

Lmao what you gonna do? Women of this country not worth saving.

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Umm found the inkwell sweatie. Women here are a lot more based than European or American counterparts. You're delusional.

>5 months
>got depressed
>stopped and got back to smoking plus heavy weed and moderate alchol usage for 2 months
>kinda in a "kay whatever" mood
>train in and off
>gym closes
>won't train at home cuz mom's a fucking downer

I wait untill she falls asleep at 3 am and workout cold showers make me sleepy already and I'm tired of fighting so i just workout when i can

>505 bp
>9 years

can you break down how much it went up year by year? Kinda curious