This board is suicide for my mental health

This board is suicide for my mental health

Anyone else have the same feeling? I

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checks out

No the fact that I look at mostly fat and some fit male bodies on Yas Forums all day makes me a faggot not the posting of wojaks

Cmon man, everyone knows that Yas Forums was taken over by Yas Forums inceos and Yas Forumsfags. Yes its poison and I think you know the only reason you come back is the same as everyone elses: you're used to it. But deep down you know that this board doesn't give you good knowledge or advice and really just anything worthwhile.

Leave the tranny posters and incels. If you stay in this hellhole you never really made it.

>No the fact that I look at mostly fat and some fit male bodies on Yas Forums all day makes me a faggot not the posting of wojaks

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>Posts wojak

Yeah. My gf just left me for another guy so of course I see myself in every post about getting cucked or girls fucking the better guy or whatever. The past few months of my ex talking shit about me to everyone she knows and me using shitty internet boards has completely ruined my perception that people aren't total scumbags. I guess the one benefit is that I'm less naive.

nah bro it motivates me a lot. but I can see how it would make some people feel bad. I think if you are working on improving yourself you should try and get inspiration from this board. it's cool whatver works for you tho bro

Kinda, I often waste way too much time answering the same provoking and dumb baits just because I'm not capeable of not telling baiting anons to fuck off only to be pissed off about myself for not doing anything useful the whole afternoon.

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>Kinda, I often waste way too much time answering the same provoking and dumb baits just because I'm not capeable of not telling baiting anons to fuck off only to be pissed off about myself for not doing anything useful the whole afternoon.

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Too obvious and predictable. This one is on me.

>literal reditor

why so many faggots?
this is bait
>being weak
>making an attention whore thread
cool here's your (You) now fuck off

something i realized over the years is those baiting anons are insecure people posting their uncomfortable thoughts in hope that someone will prove them wrong. So in a sense what you are doing is that you are reassuring some 16 year old kid that its okay and not so bad. You are actually doing emotional l labor for insecure losers.

>this is bait

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>this is bait

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This board literally fixed me. Made me put down the fat food, made me take pride in my body for the first time in 3 or 4 years. As a result I am genuinely in the best place mentally I've ever been in, nearly topped myself about a 2 years ago, so glad I didn't. This board may have a lot of retarded opinions but the core values here are what you need to improve your life, a bit of tough love.

I fucking hate that show

Yas Forums is a comedy site, how the fuck could you be affected by fags spamming memes?

I unironically love this show

>haven't spoken to my mother or siblings in years because mom is a complete psycho
>I just turned 27
>my cousin writes happy birthday out of the blue
>chat back and forth, she just had another kid
>I ask if I could come visit them during the summer, remembering her as being nice and her husband being based
>no reply for some days
>she sends me a long message explaining that she doesn't think my mom and siblings would approve of her hosting me, and she'd like to keep their relationship intact, so a visit wouldn't be warranted
>unfriended me on facebook

Lifts to cope with this feel?

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OP probably has some kind of schizo personality

You are self aware enough to change your mentality
For me it's power fuel if I only visit once in a while, at most once per week.

People are total scumbags.Fuck you user ! Get purged !

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>No family
>wahhhh I'm a stupid bitch wahhhhhh
make your own family


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Shut the fuck up.

Nah. You gotta stop letting these things affect you so much. Don’t think so much op, focus on your goals and the things you enjoy.

She abused me my entire childhood and threw me out on the street the moment I turned 18. I was homeless for half a year after that.

She's also an unironic card-carrying communist who sleeps with a picture of Carl Marx above her bed. And a psychologist. Go figure.

I wish that horse was poor in that show so i could relate to him better !

Another profession women shouldn't be allowed to be.

>Another profession that shouldn't be allowed

>my mom made me get a job when I turned 18

I had to drop out of school.

Don't. People with fucked up relationships to their family are usually becoming terrible parents themselves.

Why’d you have to drop out of school?

I find that people here are pretty supporting, and make me feel good.
It could also cuz this is my last link to society

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I'll agree to that.Psychologist are worse than prostitutes.Imagine giving money to someone to sit and stare at you for 1 hour.

Because I had no home and had to get a job to survive.

What’d you do to piss off your parents?