Can I avoid consuming whey and still growing muscle or is it a must?

Can I avoid consuming whey and still growing muscle or is it a must?

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it is if you just don't get enough protein in your diet

I still need to eat 3, sometimes 4 scoops a day to hit the 1 gram/per pound target

>Can I avoid consuming whey
Easily. What makes you think you can't?

>I still need to eat 3, sometimes 4 scoops a day to hit the 1 gram/per pound target
Your diet is garbage.

what a retarded picture and what a retarded question

yes you can. the source does not matter, just the quantity of amino acids. they have diminishing returns but practically speaking the more the better

whey can be your only protein source because whey contains all essential amino acids in great proportions. whey is the best protein source that exists when you take into consideration cost efficiency, protein quality and practicality

You actually only need 1.2g of protein per lean mass of bodyweight

Meant to say 1.2 g per kg of lean mass, not lbs

wrong. keep quiet when you dont know what youre talking about

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Its legitimately better for you to not drink protein and just eat. Protein powder has always just been a convenience, but ever since they originally put Arnold on the label it blew up into this pseudo-bro culture thing where you absolutely must use it.

To be honest, there really ain't any supplements you MUST take. I'd say the only ones worthwhile are:
>Protein powder
Convenient, just remember it is a SUPPLEMENT. Don't be one of those twinks who just drinks all of his calories and wonders why he looks like shit because he can't be asked to eat anything because he has the stomach of a little girl.
Doesn't make your hair fall out, there was ONE study that showed this and Yas Forums memes it to death now to discourage newbies from making gains. But creatine really ain't essential either, it might give you an extra rep on an exercise or something. You decide if it is worth taking it, its usually dirt cheap so I don't think it hurts.
Coffee works just fine but this shit can get you wired. Its expensive, and again not necessary.

I worked manual labor and got pretty jacked and didnt pay any attention to my diet

post body

No pics from back then but you definitely can get muscular without paying attention to diet, just look drywallers they're fucking swole and they get drunk everyday and give 0 fucks about diet

Whey is literally nothing but high quality protein. It can absolutely replace any other source of protein

They're were literally no muscles before whey isolate was invented

Try Casein. It tastes 100 times better than whey. It’s also thicker so it’s like a real shake, not chocolate flavored water.

Where are you getting that from? The lowest value I've seen is 1.6 g/kg bodyweight to maximize muscle growth.

>eating less than 5% of your bodyweight in lean meat every single day

creatine makes me feel juicy

That's a fucking lie, every single one of them has a fucking potbelly or is super skinny.

unironically if you can afford it I'd say just use whey as a supplementary source of protein when you didn't get enough during the day from actual meat sources.

What do you mean juicy? As in more water weight retained?

>can't be asked
southern britbong fairy detected. its can't be arsed

where my casein gang @?
superior protein coming through

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who doesn't want to eat massive amounts of food to get enough protein? I thought eating was the best part. Not eating garbage, just eating tons of clean food.

Enjoy your 16 ounces of dry, tasteless chicken


ok i will thank you. Egg whites too.

>2.2g / kg of B.W
The only studies for it show that 1.6g per kg of fat free mass is the optimal amount. The 1g per lb is a supplement company sponsored myth.

>will not make women look bulky
yes it will

>need to take right after workout is myth
Well before or during are alternatives but that doesn't exactly make it a myth. It's important to have around the time where the ingestion of the protein would result in the best absorption.

>only consuming "enough" protein a day

>16 ounces
>not at least two pounds of chicken every day