Is joining the military Yas Forums?

Is joining the military Yas Forums?

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>Is dying for Israel Yas Forums?

oi vey, i wonda who is behind this post

why serve your slavemasters? join a militia and fight for your people instead

>a militia
you mean larpers?


That's where I found my husband

No worry Abdullah, both muslims and jews will get what they deserve

Have fun dying for israel

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>cut all your hair off
meh hides your bald spot
>weeks and weeks without seeing a woman
meh, shitpost on Yas Forums all day anyway
>get a paycheck you don't use much on tour and meals/housing supplied
awesome save some money
>get shot and die in a foreign land
don't have to worry about mom and dad finding you with your dick in your hand and a belt around your neck in the closet

Total win


Muslims are too numerous to be done hard like that and Jews always find a way out. It's over for the West.

>no lifeskills
>no trade skills
>no value to society
>no dreams or goals
>no careers
>running away from family
>can't pay for education

mix and match those and u belong in military

>Is dying for the Jew Yas Forums?

>can't stop shitting all over the airplane they're on for 2 hours
>it's over for the west

>learns how to shoot, survive, personal hygine and discipline
>trade skills
In the army??????
>literally protects the pillars of society
>dreams about his countrt his goals are achived by every enemy he kills
>"careers" like what lol
>making family proud
>goverment takes care of education

It is. Dumb w*stoid doesn't understand that just because you are physically stronger, smarter, more cunning and creative than your opponent, if you let them breed in your city for decades and even set up quotas so they can enter prestigious and influential positions, you are on the losing side.

No. Firstly, The US military ruins peoples bodies has and has no conception about developing necessary strength. Everything is quantified to the point that everything becomes cardio, and you lose your gains and your spine.

Secondly, you're dying for Israel, decriminalized global homosexuality and niggerdom.

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>making family proud
hooo boy

Most likely meet a girl straight out of boot, get her knocked up, rush to get married before deployment.

Sit on base, do a few rounds, nothing special, pretty bored constantly.

Meals are shit and bland.

Hope for care packages, they've stopped for the last 3 months

Come back 6 months later, she's 3 months pregnant

Congrats, you now have a Dependapotamus

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Ur fault for being a fucking degenerate and knocking some bitch up right out of basic
3 years infantry and still no kid
Fuck em

you're right, That's why the people that breed the most have the highest rates of poverty and work menial jobs the most often, usually generations upon generations of floor scrubbers.

You didn't join the Official Fitness Server on Dis cord (FitCord) yet??
Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc.
Self improvement, nofap, powerlifting, fraud (steroids), martial arts, current body thread, injury prevention, etc.
We also have some fun channels like memes.
For those who want more adventure, we have a contest: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!

We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome!
dis cord (dot) gg / 258GpSk

> get literally outbred and flooded by even more brown hordes
> No!!! We are fine! :)

>Muslims are too numerous to be done hard like that
Abdullah, you terrorist scum will get hanged. Once the kikes are destroyed, you subhumans are next

>fuck em
t-the kids? that's illegal

Nice, I got an inspirational one too

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If rucking your knees to dust is fit then yeah I guess.

>proud of being 11B
can't have kids if you don't have sex

The military might get you fit, but for what purpose?

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leave him alone, once the oil money goes they're fucked.

They're retards who hit the lotto and they won't/can't produce shit other than that

>d-die for israel goyim!! i've never done anything with my life but i still larp as a badass warrior on Yas Forums!

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>thread becomes too redpilled
>jew/soiboi mod shuts it down

In before the lock!

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Seething military fag lmao

Not military. Just know a fat fag when I see one.

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Are there exceptional people with aspiring goals and ideals that join the military that have a life afterwards? yes.

are most vets life after military fucking garbage? Also yes.

>literally protects the pillars of society
yeah, we do need them if they are really only for self-defense. But US does a whole lot of invading don't they. Idk about other countries, i think many of them tend to behave (i don't think finnish ever really invaded iraq for oil).

>dreams about his countrt his goals are achived by every enemy he kills
dreaming about killing people lmao

>"careers" like what lol
what about the quarter million dollar career i have instead of you going out there in middle of desert killing people for reasons you have no idea about, other than that you are told to.

>making family proud
>goverment takes care of education
your family will be proud if you make something of your life. And even if you were just a good husband to your wife, and good father to your kids, they would be proud of you. Any functional family would. And since many meatheads go to military, they tend to have a shit ass life even with all that support that comes afterwards.

Good job user, you are sure keeping the world in balance.

Yeah but before you join send me your girlfriend’s

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Why did he ever leave the military? There's comfy desk jobs you can do in your home country and get all the benefits. You don't even have to go to the desert and risk getting blown up or having to kill kids.

You'll put in a lot of work if you pick a combat arms specialty, but do not overlook the TRUE Yas Forumsizen's MOS.
Anything 12 series, really. Caveat: I became a 12b, combat engineer, which I would actually advise against. Lots of hard working sappers out there, but the odds are good you'll end up in a route clearance company like me where you'll spend your missions sitting in an armored vehicle 12+ hours a day feeling exhausted despite a lack of physical activity.

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