Save the Whales

>NYU scientists: Largest U.S. study of COVID-19 finds obesity the single biggest factor in New York’s hospitalizations
Reopen the gyms! Reopen the stores! Close down Dairy Queen and McDonald's, obesity, not the virus itself, is the problem. If you're physically fit with no underlying medical conditions, your risk is low. If you're a fatty, you're probably going to die.
Why is the entire country being held hostage so fatties with no self control can live a bit longer?

Attached: cdc fat.png (1000x582, 582.57K)

it makes me feel good when fatties get what's coming to them

I honestly don’t know why we’re locking down when there is going to be another wave this winter. Just tell unhealthy and old people to stay indoors and let it work through the rest of the population?

HAES is an actual movement. Think they're going to be ok with being told to not go to Dairy Queen?

Go outside, m8. They're fringe weirdos. Most people don't know they exist.

yes and no. It's not acceptable to make fun of people being fat anymore, or to even SAY someone's fat

Fair enough. Pretty much everyone I know makes fun of fat people in private, my mum included. Maybe I'm the one who doesn't go out enough. You have the based granny screencap?

Time will tell how the general public feels. Once the quarantine restrictions start to lift, more and more people will be infected. Most will shrug it off but it will kills lots of fatties. Will the public be outraged or just move on to other things?

Move on to other things, I'd say. Even normies accept that being fat is bad for you and when told that it mostly kills biggers they'll just shrug it off. I'm actually afraid that there might be race riots because a disproportionate amount of deaths are nogs.

It's an election year. No way the Democrats let this fall off the radar especially with the identity politics angle to it. Letting lots of blacks and Hispanics die is confirmation of everything they've been saying about Trump for years.

Attached: obesity rate.png (640x281, 25.01K)

fat people who vote for democrats would died, so no worries they cannot vote if they're dead

>they cannot vote if they're dead
Do you know nothing about how the Democratic Party operates? Dead people voting is a tradition.

shut the fuck up boomer schizo


Lose weight

you're spreading fake news

Zoomer zoomer pee pee poomer
Go crawl back into your roomer
Boomer rich and has a boat
Boomer knows that Quake is GOAT.
Zoomer watches porn and cooms
While Boomer's in his sister's rooms

Attached: Prime teen pussy.jpg (800x579, 67.54K)

Nobody plays Quake you pathetic incel

Zoomer can't get any chicks
Zoomer's only five-foot-six
Gets sad and deepthroats a gun
Zoomer's dad is six-foot-one

Attached: You came to the wrong neigborhood, zoomer.png (890x501, 603.46K)


Attached: DER BOOMER.jpg (704x904, 100.69K)

Meanwhile, back on topic, this virus primarily kills fatties. Is it the duty of Yas Forums to make sure it spreads far and wide?


treatment of ARDS requires positive pressure ventilation and multiple position changes in bed.
it's harder to change an obese person's position, especially when short-staffed.

Also smokers and old people, anyone who already has trouble breathing.

What the fuck? Suddenly I love coronavirus.

70% of those that require being put on a ventilator die. So if you're at that point, you're probably already fucked.

positive pressure does not always include intubation. PEEP is a subset of positive pressure ventilation.

Be that as it may, if you're fat and end up in the hospital for this virus, you're screwed. The key to surviving is to not be obese. How many Americans are obese? 80-100 million?

Too damn many. On the bright side most of them are niggers, spics, and boomers

Fuck fatties

Imagine if the public actually realized the truth. If they knew their death was a hundred times more likely due to being overweight. What would be the reaction. Outrage? Fear? Or most likely, the same type of denial of reality that got them fat in the first place.