Tattoos are for fucking retards and they look like shit. if you have a good body they will ruin your aesthetic...

tattoos are for fucking retards and they look like shit. if you have a good body they will ruin your aesthetic. no exceptions

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i just think they make you look pretentious

It's surprising to me how amateur porn creators and cam performers nearly all have tats or piercings. I guess being an "exhibitionist" starts with self mutilation and then escalates.

There's no evidence that tattoos cause any harm to the body when they're done well. It doesn't cause drug abuse, promiscuity or any other meme bad thing.

Get over yourself and leave inked people alone. You killed a thread just to bash on them.

lol hi tattoofag. already seething huh?

Not what op said tatoofag. Tatoos are definetly for stupid people.


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It’s ok that you don’t wanna get tattoos

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Tattoos are extremely trashy and ugly. They are for insecure sheep.

I have a tattoo on each forearm, one of them i regret because it isnt very good and the other is ok, im kinda happy with it.

If i could go back and have none i would, i get complimented on one of them a lot by grills but i mean who actually cares about tattoos.

Just wanna be a clean slate again.

nice doodles buddy



I think they make you look like an insecure faggot.


Tattoos are fucking cool as shit.

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Lmao this, imagine being assblasted enough by someone’s tattoos to make a thread on Yas Forums

Tattoos aren't based
Making a trillion tattoo hate isn't either

McGregors tats are undeniably part of his image and his brad.

I don’t have tattoos but he looks good with them IMO. If you don’t want any, don’t get any.

This. I have literally never seen a thread where tattooed people get this autistic about non-tattooed people. Everyone I know with tattoos are just like "yeah I'm into it but if you aren't that's cool too" but somehow every non-tattooed person here and on /fa/ feels some religious need to seethe hard at the thought of someone doing something they don't want to do.

lmao seething tattoofag

could McGregor bench 225?

He walks around like 170 so prolly

OP is a fag

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Body modification is normalized in a society which allows circumcision

Am I the only one who never sees the "art" behind tattoos. To me it's just an amorphous mess of colour.

this user is a seething coping retard covered in childrens doodles

The only ones seething in this thread are non tatted people (which is perfectly fine) trying thier Absolute hardest to put down tatted people (which is also fine). I have 2 face tattoos, own my own carpentry company, have a loving wife of 7 years, and never had negative effects of tattoos, despite them being knives on my fucking face

Every thread like this goes:

>Tattoos are so bad, they are litereally the most degenerate thing, like holy shit can you imagine getting tattoos? Did you hear me? TATTOOS BAD? Here's 253458 paragraphs about why putting ink on your skin is literally the downfall of society!

People with tattoos
>ok if you don't like them just don't get them. I totally understand not wanting something permanent, and therefore understand and respect anyone's choice to not get one. To each their own!

>haha tattoofags and inkoids LITERALLY SEETHING RIGHT NOW! Checkmate degenerates, you're so fucking mad right now! SEETHE HARDER

Tradfags have such a damn chip on their shoulder

Tattoos are more than accepted in my line of work, and most people that I work with have several. I myself have 18 or so in total now, including half of a leg sleeve.

Once the coofing dies down I'm getting my thigh done, as well as a bigger back piece.

I don't have any tattoos and generally think 95% of them are trashy, but some of them are definitely very artistic imo

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Are you Japanese?

didn’t read


i detect a seething idiot who paid some to draw doodles on their body

hallmark of the moron, literally never seen a smart person with a tattoo

Readability is a huge issue in tattooing. Often, finely detailed colored tattoos require closer than social distance to "read" and appreciate.

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Contrast with black and gray Chicano style work which can include exquisite detail, but is far more readable at the cost of color.

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American traditional uses simplified shapes and bold black line work to make highly readable colored tattoos at the cost of detail.

You can only pick two.

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Always thought GosT had some interesting tattoos like the skull ones, but he's a bit too cluttered I think. I've seen some Japanese style ones though that look pretty good though

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>waaaah tattoos are impure
kek, you can't go past a week on nofap and bump IG thot threads to page 1 but le tattoos are evil
>waaah degeneracy waaaah
I lol'd. You're so pure user! I bet you get all the girls when you tell them about your tradcon views and how much you read the bible (you actually read it, right?)
Oh no my lymph nodes D: oh no I baked cookies at 351 degrees D: oh no I'm driving 1 over the speed limit D: if only I were as safe and as conservative as you user
kek you pseudo tradcath zoomers will bash tattoos in one thread and then bump threads to page 1 about le /feels bar how ya doin fit tfw no gf/ or /le why are normies so mean to me fit :( tfw/
all tradcath zoomers ITT post body lets see your pure incorruptible physique lol

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