What is the female equivalent to ottermode that isn't reliant on good genes/bone structure? Is this it?
What is the female equivalent to ottermode that isn't reliant on good genes/bone structure? Is this it?
That's a man, right?
Being female is equivalent to a man with 3 years of hard work in the gym.
Have sex
Have high esteem.
unironically running on a treadmill and Instagram routines
>Griffith chapter
tomboys are the ultimate homo cope
Not being fat
>tomboys are the ultimate homo cope
>that isn't reliant on good genes/bone structure?
Female "ottermode" is basically any Olympic girl and what they have in common is narrower hips and wider shoulders so it will always be reliant on bone structure
woah watch out homo you almost sucked my dick
Dubs and I'll buy a high energy tomboy
>woah watch out homo you almost sucked my dick
dilate, you false flagger tranny kike.
No, it's a woman. A Korean female lifter, she deleted her insta because one of you fags shared it here and people started spamming it with weird shit
Don't bros
the internet has ruined me so severely that i want and need tomboy azn GF
I found a way to never jerk my ween again, just think of Korean women kek
Was she black or gookinese? Was she just one of those dark skinned tan jungle chinks?
I always figured she was Kushan, and they seem to be an amalgam of Persia, India, and Indochina, so I guess Vietnamese or Thai is closest maybe?
Thai is what I had in mind by tanned jungle gook. Makes sense, she’s small tanned. I mean they had pipin or how ever you spell his name and he was like a 7’ nig.
Idk, whenever I see anime even if they have non chink features I assume everyone in it is Asian
Really, I figured Pippin was Mongolian or something close to that?
Judging from her eyeliner and lipstick, that's not a tomboy user, she just likes to keep her hair short.
She's light brown, and since Kushan exists she's basically Persian, I agree.
Really riled me up when redditors try to claim she's black, because when Miura draws a negro, you'll fucking know. Fucking Donovan, or the purple knight cavalry guy. Basciogne or whatever.
I think of Pippin as more of an islander, like Maori.
Also Guts is best goal body, you are my fellow Berserk kings. Kenshiro is also a noble model to strive for.
Holy shit you’re right idk why I always thought he had nappy nig pube curl hair. Wow so they really are all Asian
Guts is basically one of my inspirations. I realize I’ll probably need to use gear eventually just to come close to his exaggerated anime physique, but when I get there I plan to do my first cosplays and go to conventions for the first time. Got a ways to go. I’m like 1 inch shorter than he is at 6’2” but that’s nothing that’ll ruin the cosplay
Yeah, most of the brownish characters. Although Berserk draws so heavily on late medeival/early renaissance Europe I imagine most of the characters as some variation on white. I mean the Vandimion family are literally just the Medici with a name change.
I always figured Midland was closest to France and Chuder was something like Germany/Holy Roman Empire. Ilth seems like it might be Britain or Scandianvia also?
Guts is best goal body. I also love what the story does with the themes of suffering, meaning, sexuality, etc. I was expecting a daft manga about swinging swords around but it turns into so much more.
He's 6'8