Are cougars worth it? Can anyone share their experience?

Are cougars worth it? Can anyone share their experience?

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I've been lowkey fantasizing of being taught everything there is to know about sex by a 40yo milf but I don't think they go for 32yo virgins

I’ve found a direct correlation between the age of the woman you sleep with and how rank the cookie can be. Keep it 20-25 if you love yourself OP

Not fitness related

>be me coked out of my mind and drunk at a festival
>friend dares me to go talk to a cougar
>she is in her 40s doesn't look that bad
>i accept
>go and sit down beside her and ask her if she wants to fuck in the woods
>she said yes i think
>fucked her in the woods

the end
forgot to mention i was 19 at the time

Attached: virgins.jpg (200x195, 6.83K)

>how rank the cookie can be
uhm what does that mean exactly?

Site I use to find them.

>be me
>40 year old cross dresser
>not remotely passable
>at a festival, got a good buzz on
>some kid come up fucking wasted
>asks if I want to fuck
>sure why not
>go to the woods and let him fuck my ass, he doesn’t cum
>turn him around and fuck him in the ass
>He cums then starts crying and screaming that he’s not gay
>I hold him till he quiets down then take him back to the festival where he passes out

mmm nom noms

what's next, ashley madison?
are you also going to tell me there really are hot single russians waiting to fellate my penor like theyre trying to suck a golf ball through a straw?

>uses drugs

loser, beta that uses illegal substances to feel good about themselves

but muh muh mental health


means they smell bad

Being with an older woman is called being a Macron.

holy mother of cope
try having sex incel

ok good to know!

I think that fucking cougars is great it gives you experience which is good.

means the cooch is just one step away from sprouting mushrooms and shit
could be good for nutrition gains tho

Your mother did drugs when she had you

>ask her if she wants to fuck in the woods

Can you elaborate? I don't understand what you meant.

if you have money a lot of 6-8/10 slavic women throw all morals out the window

the festival was near the woods and there was a cabin there with a table outside i tought that was the best place to do it


More like 1-10

I banged a 45 year old being 27 myself 2 years ago.
She had great natural tits and knew how to make me very horny but she didn't do that much desu. It was mostly me who did all the work. She was all over me all the time sending me nudes and all so she made me feel really good about myself.
She said we should have a threesome and I was already fantasising about banging 2 cougars, she said 'you should bring a friend (male)'.
She'd also tell me to show her nudes to my friends lmao
Great experience but I was seeing other girls so I only fucked her twice. I did not have a threesome.

I bet you go to the gym with a tank top saying 'hype', talk of how festivals are 'my church' and the dj is 'my God'.
Text message girls on dating apps like Tinder and take self indulgent photos of 'muh progress'

No wonder you feel the need to take illegal drugs. You're depressed and possibly don't realise it.

Your response of 'have sex' is a coping mechanism itself. You dumb drug user.

I’m 43 and married with 3 kids. All I get is milf pussy.

Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

Yes would recommend.

Unironically think having a mmf threesome is some cuck shit. Why would you wanna include someone you arent gonna touch.

I pussied out of meeting a cuck couple with a really hot/fit mediterranean milf and then corona hit :( Should I go through with it Yas Forums
>pic related is her

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Not with those size 12s.
