Why do Americans always lie about their height?
Why do Americans always lie about their height?
Their length units are too long. A centimeter here or there does not make a difference whereas an inch is noticeable and therefore, important. Nobody gives a shit whether you're 178 or 179cm tall.
Because our culture has been individualistic and ego-driven since 1776. A nation of extroverts and fake extroverts next question
Manlet cutoff in Europe is 1.8m, in America it's 6ft which is like 182 even though in most places in Europe people are taller on average than in America.
>we live in a society
average male height usa 5'9
average male height europe 5'10
It's because US women are huge masochists who want to feel like little girls (and act like literal brain damaged little girls).
In europe height requirements are much smaller, Most women will prefer the man to be taller but it's not a deal breaker for 90% of them like kikemerica.
Pic related is height preferences in france, a country with higher average height. 178CM was considered ideal.
americans lie about their height because the life of the average american its founded on bullshit, and corporations promote this bullshits, they dont think about anyone, they only care games and bibbete buppete, they do not have any other life problems fuck off
This, partly.
No, it's because most Americans lie about their height, thus creating a pattern of needing to lie about height in order for your height to be perceived as socially legitimate.
Most athletes, actors, models lie about their height to a significant degree. The Rock is 6' yet claims 6'5 ffs (even though he is slightly shorter than prime Arnold)
Since everyone lies about their height, it basically creates an effect where if you're honest and say you're 5'10, most people will actually think of you as 5'6 or 5'7 making you seem shorter than you are. The same social effect is applied to dick size fwiw
The other reason is because of the way the imperial scale works. 5'10 is perceived to be twice as tall as 5'5 because 10/5=2. Although the 5'10 guy is only 7% taller by raw length alone. In the metric system this effect is less pronounced since 180/170 is seen as a smaller increment, and lying about your height by increasing it by 10 seems less honest in the eyes of men so no one does it. This is why no American lies and says he is 6'10 even though he is 5'10.
Online dating started there. Heightfrauding is slowly coming to europe too
to be fair, dwayne is 6'2" not 6'. But yeah he still claims 3" taller than he really is kek