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>came home from work today
>gf’s car is missing
>go inside flat we’re renting
>missing a bunch of shit
>think “did we just get fucking burgled”?
>while panicking for my gf’s safety notice open spiral notebook on the kitchen counter
>tl;dr - note written by girlfriend details why she left me. in her words: I’m lazy, I don’t clean up, I don’t take care of any errands, I play video games for long stretches of time, I have no strong sense of work ethic, I don’t act like a man, I act too effeminate/cowardly, financially irresponsible, that I was a different person when we started dating, lack any ambition and “worst of all” she saysI change my mind too much” and that “I’m in my head all the time, over thinking things”
>she says shes grown to the point she can’t stand to be in the same room as me and that while she loved me once she can’t ever see herself loving me again
>ends by apologising to me and saying she feels like she realised she was losing control of her life and that we would end up getting married and have kids and if that happened she would be stuck and miserable forever
>note just trails off; no goodbye or “I love you”

I’ve spent the the past hour bawling my fucking eyes out in a fetal position. She blocked me on everything: phone and all social media - I just checked. None of her/our friends will answer their phones and many have blocked me on social media as well I discovered

I loved this woman more than life itself. I knew we had some problems but I didn’t know she felt this way at all. She never said anything. Nothing. She still bantered with me as recently as yesterday.

I’m hoping so badly that this just a dream and I’ll wake up.

Dude she left you because youre even too stupid to understand the boards and threads on Yas Forums.
Rookie mistake.

she's probably fucking Chad (or, God forbid, Tyrone) already

is this bait?

this quarantine made me realize how fucking useless i am without gym

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I'm a Yas Forumstard who just came here to check on my Yas Forumsbros

I fapped to a Flip-girl on Reddit today

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I'm too weak for nofap, so I'm doing noporn.

I gave up

>you're not responsible enough
>I'm not even capable of of saying it to your face. I secretly run like a complete jerk and leave a message saying it's all your fault.
user, you have to learn to get past schizo idiots.

Eat a shit ton during easter and drank two bottles of red wine. Gonna have to water fast 48h to make this up.

wait til acceptance kicks in then build your empire from there king. but until then, dont do anything stupid. fuck her

I am not hungry, I'm just bored
I don't need more coffee, I'm just bored
I don't need more alcohol, I'm just bored
I don't need to take a nap, I'm just bored

I'm not bored, I'm depressed

Probably some truth to what she's saying and you should work on yourself and be more self-aware in future relationships. However, it is highly unlikely that she actually loved you and wanted to stay with you otherwise she would have put in the effort to help you be better, or you both were not mature enough to communicate if she wasn't happy with something. Either way she probably did you a favor and you can grow from this.

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Tbqhfam sounds like you deserve it.
Think about it the other way around, I wouldn't want to live with somebody like that

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Diet is ruined. Ate a chocolate bunny last night. Then I had a massive easster egg today to try & get rid of all the easter chocolate that was gifted to me

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Her pussy probably started stinking really bad all of a sudden and she got scared of the banter you'd throw at her

I was divorced by my wife of 7 years. She said that my character and temper is not the best, that she is tired, etc.
She was partly right. Yours probably too partly right. I have a severe depression that affected how I dealt with things. I'm working on it.
Bawl away as you feel like it. It will be easier after this.

>I loved this woman more than life itself. I knew we had some problems but I didn’t know she felt this way at all. She never said anything. Nothing. She still bantered with me as recently as yesterday.
This right here is the problem. I was so into this thing that I got dissolved in it and became empty. No one will be interested in an empty man.
Love yourself first. Be creative at least in something. Put yourself first. Take care of yourself and your interests. It's a bit of a hard pill to swallow after years of conditioning. But if you put yourself first, if you are egoistic enough, you become complete. And when you are complete, you have something to offer to other people. Don't forget to be yourself and love yourself.

March 11 was the last time I went to the gym and coincidentally the last time I worked out. I just can't bring myself to do a thousand pushups at home

So do 950 pushups and build from there.

I havent had sex in 2 weeks and I'm losing my fucking mind. Gf left the country for a few days but cant come back for at least 1 month because of kung flu.
I also sometimes play porn on a TV while training at home to get more rage and do more reps. Does wonders.

I'm not gay

Don't worry user, no one is going to punish for that, not even God.

I literally decided not to coom ever again from fapping, only from sex. I am on day 3 and I haven't gone this far in 5 years. I am so proud I finally found the willpower to make that decision. I literally told myself I won't fap even if I feel the horniness is hurting more than being burned alive, if the desperation will truly be there, I'll put that desperation towards talking to girls. I actually don't carve any porn or women right now, because I don't look at them. I can feel my brain shifting when I look at porn and I can feel it making women seem like the only thing in the world that makes me happy, day 3 and still no urges.

That's ok, keep trying

Im a fake natty and tell people i got my body through 14 years of dedicated lifting and dieting... only took like 1.5 years with gear tho.

Show bod

I'm stressing about how to be a good boyfriend. I dont want my relationship to break like . How do I make sure we are properly communicating

I think I'm gonna go back to Catholic church after being lapsed Catholic/Protestant for almost 5 years.

What's that? Only thing that came up on google was some "viral craze" video I have never heard of before of a girl faking a car crash and it being le funny OMG so random!
