Facial muscles

Human face has 40 muscles. What have you done to work on them?
You do work out your face, right user?

I do a couple of exercises for my face.
>Smile really hard with open mouth, flex all according muscles
>Flex jaw's corresponding neck muscles
>Alternate sides if one side is stronger than the other
>Close eyes as hard as possible
>Open jaw as much as possible, make O face with mouth
>In O position, look up and flex lower eyelids
>Open jaw, do the motion of chewing with flexed muscles, don't press your teeth together
>Bring forehead down and up together with eyebrows
>Press lips together
>Mewing, press tongue hard to the roof of the mouth
>Bring back head, tongue down, push throat outwards

Neck streches
>Stretch left-right, up-down, rotate left-right
>Stretch diagonal down left-right, diagonal up left-right
Use hands to additionally stretch if necessary.

All of those are done by flexing really hard and holding AND as a series of reps and sets.
That's it, I've given you the knowledge.
Go and improve your face.

Attached: face.jpg (1024x1024, 139.78K)

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If you stretch the skin on your face it will become loose and fat and saggy.

Just chew harder guys

>If you stretch the skin on your face it will become loose and fat and saggy.
This would only happen if you were to consistently stretch it with outside force like your hands.
There's no way you could get saggy skin on your face if you stretch and and work on those muscles.

>Just chew harder guys
I don't recommend putting too much pressure on your teeth and gums. Instead of chewing harder, chew more. Chew 2 or 3 chewing gums for added mass, preferably sugar-free gum.

If I were to take sterons and worked out my face real hard I'd be able to gain some mass there, right? I suppose there aren't many androgen receptors there but it should be possible, right?

face workouts are perfect for when you need to 100% control your mimic
ever since im doing this, my lying skills are next level

I mean, in theory, I guess. Pic related probably did this.

I've been told I have a good facial gesticulation. I was like: What? What does that even mean?
>It means, when you're happy, or sad, or focused, you can see it on your face. It's a compliment.
>T-thanks I guess, y-you too.

I was acting naturally, so it probably works as well when you try to force an emotion.

Attached: terachad.jpg (474x553, 18.95K)

>Open jaw as much as possible, make O face with mouth
>In O position, look up and flex lower eyelids
Practicing your onions face?

Gigachad is not real

>not doing face pulls

you've really done your research, thanks for sharing.
What other stuff you got, I feel like you got some more hidden knowledge

Are you practising giving handjobs when you jerk off? Taking it in the ass when you squat?

Most of my knowledge isn't directly fitness related. It all comes down to what area are you trying to improve.

there are more androgen receptors in your face than anywhere else in your body user ...

look at the masseters of people who chew gum, or people like bret maverick on youtube who started chewing gum every day, they go from struggling and getting pain after 10 mins to being able to chew 14 peices of gum for hours in only a month

will sucking dick give me face gains?
gonna ask me gym bro if he'll assists me with this one
>no homo tho

>Smile really hard with open mouth, flex all according muscles

Attached: 302bbadc39130adb13518ea7debb212b.png (1892x1438, 1.47M)

Add a roll of Falim to whatever thin Wrigley type gum is your favorite. I like Trident and use two with one Falim. Makes for a nice cleansing chew.

Attached: falim.jpg (466x466, 24.13K)

Holy shit this guy is crazy. Made mad gains in only a month.

Attached: 30 day chewing gum.png (848x476, 605.62K)

>chew more
exactly what you shouldn't do
the human body and the TMJ in specific wasn't made to handle hours of chewing a day. Buy harder gum and chew for an hour every other day. Stop for a few days if you get clicking in your jaw.
That's what I've done for months, excellent results.
falim has some nasty shit inside it

Why are all of these videos obviously anglefrauding in every thumbnail if it works. Shit like that just makes it look like bullshit.

>Roach gym

If your muscles start hurting, stop. The same as with any other muscle. Go slowly. You don't try to squat 200 lbs on your first day, you work up to it.

I went to test this out and he did tilt his head back for the after photo. I still think gains are noticeable. I will try the same with the other set of before/after photos.

Attached: change.gif (352x470, 1.78M)

This is the best I could do. You're right, angles make it look like bullshit and it was hard to find 2 still frames from the same angle.
Anyway, I think you can see gains and his jaw and chin got more defined.
Gains aren't as crazy as I thought at first, but still noticeable.

Attached: jaw-progress.gif (288x191, 640.58K)

>If your muscles start hurting, stop. The same as with any other muscle.
no dude you're wrong, muscles aren't an issue at all. The problem is damaging the jaw joint and getting TMJ / TMD
I've been chewing mastic for months and I still get muscle DOMs, they're no big deal, the moment you get popping / or feel the joint moving in a weird way take a break for at least a week

Same shit bro. If your knee started cracking weirdly when you're squatting, you'd probably stop, right?
Common sense always applies.

retard. hes closer and using a differents lens or whatever its called.

When you talk like that, it really hurts. I demand an apology.

its fotoshop you retard

Right. Who else isn't real? Santa? Tooth fairy is photoshoped too? Give me a break.

Next you're going to tell me the moon landing wasn't real and jews did 9/11. Is that tinfoil hat tight enough you faggots?

How do you do this without getting TMJ?

Chintuck while sleeping, and ultra hard mewing while awake, flawless neck & body posture, chewing 2 hours a day a dog toy made my skull grew a shit ton, specially the temporalis and the masseters.

Audibly keked. You chew a dog toy? Post pic, congrats on your success though.