FINALLY! I've got my ass up to finally update the archive.
I've did less than I hoped to achieve but it is still better than nothing. In short: > a lot new files > moved some folders > added the first transcripts of screencaps and greentexts
Now starts the interesting part, transcribing every file so you guys can take it and create something that will fit your own purpose. After that step, I will start with the cleanup and merge files/texts with the same meaning and probably re-write them for better readability and understanding. In that whole process I hope to create a huge proper guide of each topic to share for you, your friends, normies and everyone you want to help.
Feedback and criticism is welcomed. EMAIL ADDRESS FOR CONTACT: "sigAnon _ protonmail d0t ch"
imagine if women were like 70% of the earth and they were all super hot aha
Christopher Ramirez
Imagine if 70% of all men would have a strong body with independent thoughts and no mindless consuming, that would be super great for society and everyone haha
Imagine if the majority of women weren't vapid, make up wearing, self absorbed cretins that don't act like children or take 5000 pictures for social media, haha.
Adrian Perez
damn that archive got big there is one file with ~700Mb which has nearly every book reading guide ever made in the folder "books_and_reading...." + "various_files" and the ebooks in the Yas Forums folder are also some non-essential 500MB
see pic related if someone is wondering, I am using "TreeSize" to get a proper folder view
Sometimes I feel like I'm alone on this planet. How do I cope with this feeling?
Kevin Wright
You're not alone user. Suffering is universal, but suffering with purpose is trascendental. And we're all in this toggether.
Juan Mitchell
for me, it is quote in pic related there are /sig/ and traditionalism related telegram channels which reminds me why I am doing this instead of lying down and cry all day because everything seems so hopeless. Sometimes a thread pops up showing me that not everything is lost. These things things are just a small short light in the dark, but they bring me back up enough to not totally give up and throw down everything.
Even if you stand alone, you must stand user. Push through and you can make it.