Why was zyzz's back so underdeveloped?

why was zyzz's back so underdeveloped?

Attached: zyzzlats-300x245.jpg (300x245, 22.28K)

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I wouldn't say his back is underdeveloped but obviously his goal wasn't to be a mass monster bodybuilder but for getting "sloots". If anything a bigger back would make him look more bulky and ruin the aesthetic he was going for.

The more I look at Zyzz's physique (except a few pics) and it really is attainable natty.

He had great insertion but he just took a shortcut.

>i look like zyzz
>no picture attached

lmao sure man

I don't look like him but there's nothing crazy about his muscle development / conditioning.

It was his insertions that made his physique.

in 2020, his physique wouldn't be THAT impressive.

>The more I look at zyzz

Are you retarded?

Based retard

Attached: 1523244789409.png (800x800, 83.75K)

I don't train my back all that much and it's massive compared to my chest that I torture with way higher volume

Having a well develop back actually ruins aesthetics.

Many physique models actually actively avoid getting a large back because it gives them a blocky look.

High lats, also he's got those tall lanky genetics, traps look great but back just lacks width.

based retard

>can't read
>knows how to type

He looks like he hasnt done back in his life tho

Agree, im pretty sure ive seen bigger amateur youtubers, maybe no necessarily as aesthetic but clearly natty and bigger

aesthetics are to be admired from the front

cause the truth is zyzz didnt give a shit about non-bro muscles
>underdeveloped back
>small quads in comparison to his upper body
still 'mirin tho
i always catch the feels when he strikes his pose, the music hits, and the subtext rolls onto the screen
>"son of zeus"


For example. A natty with good genetics can achieve this within 3 years.

Insertions are rare but the conditioning and muscle mass is def achievable.


forgot pic

Attached: 65146_442898812225_351749002225_5052141_5165690_n.jpg (302x646, 29.52K)

His left arm is visibly small in every single pic

heavily depends on starting point. I'd say 5 years would be more realistic because of the bodyfat.

Zyzz's main transformation took what nearly 2 years on roids?

this was his best form imo. not big not overly lean. peak natty goal

People are retarded I swear

Zyzz got on gear after 6 months of lifting, he only lifted for 3 years before he passed away.

No matter how you look at it, his size and weight was insane for 3 years, roiding or not.

You want him to have a 100% perfect body within those 3 years? There's always something he could improve but I swear people forget just how jacked he got within those 3 years, he could barely look any better in that time span

Attached: file.png (531x509, 677.79K)

cope its his frame


Yeah so fucking small right? He fucking towers everybody shut the fuck up

Posts like these should just be an auto ban
two or more meme words from the robot leads to expulsion. Would really fucking clean this shithole up

that pic is in the gym with decent lighting and a pump. he's also flexing.

I would expect any decent lifter on roids to achieve what he had size wise.

people forget he had horrible training habits (look at his training vids) also he partied and did drugs a lot.

He could have looked way better. For example Jeff Seid completely blows Zyzz away in terms of size and conditioning.

>video filmed on a gameboy
>random street in sydney full of fatties and dyels

what exactly is this proving?

Post front lat spread OP

Attached: ka6jxjg3djfz.jpg (459x618, 37.79K)

If you don’t think this is achievable natty in one year lmao @ your life

Post body

2 years at best. 1 year is impossible without roids.

Never say “impossible”
unlikely? yes. Very unlikely if you haven’t been training at least casually and playing sports, being athletic and non sedentary growing up before trying to achieve this or greater