I coomed today

My longest streak in months. three whole days without coming wasted. How do I stop this?

Attached: why.jpg (427x640, 87.57K)

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Stop posting here and go back yo your incel friends on r9k

OP here. I’m a girl (male), btw. I don’t know if that matters UwU

try it again.

But what are the benefits of NoFap? Why's it meme'd that hard on this board? Pic not related, it's just a wallpaper (I'm an phonefag, deal with it)

Attached: 1585430140711.jpg (1080x1920, 698.08K)

you just saved yourself from Prostate Cancer
NoPorn is better than NoFap

practicing restraint

My longest was 1 week which i finished with glorious handsfree prostate massage.

Coomed twice today btw i just want the day to be over already

Damn, where to start. Fapping everyday fucks up your dopamine receptors MAJORLY, since you just keep rewarding yourself over and over and over with dopamine. This is why when you take a break from fapping and do it again it feels much better, your dopamine receptors got a chance to recover. So, In applying that, abstaining from fapping for a long as time or forever will restore your dopamine receptors to their normal level, which will cause you to enjoy life much more. That’s proven.

Another huge theory that many report to be true (anecdotally) is that preserving semen causes the minerals in semen (zinc, selenium, etc.) to be recycled in your body, which will supposedly increase testosterone. Most likely broscience, but thousands believe it to be true so make of that what you will.

Furthermore, it has been proven in studies that prolactin is released during masturbation (not sex, yes your body can tell the difference.) and a buildup of prolactin, an estrogenic chemical, causes issues such as erectile dysfunction, man boobs, lethargy, basically low test in general.

People famous for abstaining from masturbation to achieve their goals include: Steve Jobs, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, several Greek philosophers, terry crews, etc.

Stop masturbating.

I'm kinda lost about this whole nofap thing cause it seems to be popular. Do y'all just not have sex?

>That’s proven.
Can you post the evidence that proves that?

No. Sex and masturbation are two completely different things. Go 90 days without porn, masturbation, or orgasm tho and your dopamine receptors will be completely healed, ready to enjoy everything amazing about life tenfold. Have sex after the 90 days and you’re good to go as a high test man who loves life.

Clearer thinking / Reduced 'brain fog' - Normalized acetylcholine levels

Pornography viewing has been shown to lower acetylcholine levels, a neurotransmitter vital for cognitive functioning. When cholinergic signaling is reduced, a subjective sense of 'brain fog' results.

Reduced sexual dysfunction - Dopamine receptor upregulation

The mesolimbic pathway of the central nervous system receives excitatory inputs from dopaminergic neurons throughout various other brain regions. Reduced dopaminergic signaling, resulting from pornography viewing, is thought to be the primary cause of pornography-induced erectile dysfunction.

Alleviation of depressive symptoms - Regulation of multiple neurological pathways

Alterations in the functionality of many brain regions, particularly those related to the dopaminergic system, have been shown to induce hypersexual behaviour. Many of these same brain regions are thought to malfunction in the case of depressive disorders. Abstinence from pornography viewing regulates these malfunctioning pathways.

Increased confidence - Spike in testosterone levels

According to researchers from Zhejiang University, abstinence from ejaculation caused a 146 percent increase in testosterone levels on the seventh day, while testosterone levels were not significantly influenced for 6 days prior.

Theres no proove that people that dont regularly fap are more happy in life.
Talking about dopanimereceptors and shit just makes you sound pathetic, imagine overthinking just regular stuff to that point...

Living a happy and balanced life requiers more than just not touching your peepee. Grow up loser.

There’s your proof buzz!

Its just shows that not fappinf changes some biological functions, i dont say thats not true.

But you cant find one sociological study that prooves that people that dont fap are more happy in their life. That even if you dont fap and all those things happen to your body it will not imoact your life because the results you want to get are much more influenced by socioeconomic background and education, general healt, wealth and social relations.

Now go back to r9k, loser it has nothing to do with fitness

I question why it is that so many people have started to believe that they can't function in day to day life because they bust a nut to porn.

how did it feel to do a NoCoom?

Ask yourself why you do it, are you missing something or are you just bored? and work from there.

Because they are a bunch of losers. They just lack the drive to get basic shit done in their life and sit around all day making up excuses why everything is so miserable.
Thats what losers do.

I've been cooking 3 times a day for the last 6 months. It's really fucked me up. I'm completely immune to boobies and I have to look at weird shit to get off.

People who fap every day have less brain matter than people who don't.

Yep Steve Jobs is a total loser bro and every other millionaire/billionaire who does it is just an r9k incel bro.

You wouldn't need to masturbate if you had something productive to do, like a job perhaps. Go work some 12h piece of shit manual job, if you have never worked such a job, you will last two weeks without it, easy.

I got a job once. By 11am on most days, all I could think about was rushing home to watch porn and jerk off. I even started considering doing it in the employee bathroom while watching porn on my phone.

I can't even remember last time I coomed. I have no more morning boners, I feel zero sexual drive.
I am a beta and accepted it.
When will you, Yas Forums?

Never cause when I get to this level I’m taking trt maybe some mast on the side FAG HAHAHA

>Do nofap
>Compare yourself to steve jobs and muhamed ali
I bet they drank water, if i drink water will i become like them? Or does just wearing glasses and black turtlneck be enough?

Just kys, your life is a waste of space

Nice strawman


Don't you ever wonder about the real reason they snip your dick, Chaim? Let me tell you, fapping is much more comfortable with a foreskin and for the weak willed that can be a curse.

meditate and do some body-weight exercises. I just broke out of a month-long relapse.