Is training chest everyday better for muscle growth than 2 times a week?

Is training chest everyday better for muscle growth than 2 times a week?

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Ask the military, they train chest every day.


Then train chest every day bro. Should probably do it twice.
And get a good job with lots of money.
You can be ugly as fuck, with both those you're good to go. Actually, you can drop the chest training too desu.

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The fuck are you talking about?

imagine cleaning her butthole with your tongue

Attached: 1512853108551.jpg (1024x557, 46.07K)

You want to smash that?
Then get jacked.
Or rich.
Or rich and jacked and then you can definitely smash that.

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She looks about 15


The day of the rope is soon.

I hope she is.

The day of the COPE is already here, apparently.


tits are boring i prefer pecs no homo
post man ass

every girl ive ever slept with or attempted to sleep with who had that sort of face was either fucking nuts or an insane attention whore/tease

>that sort of face
Attractive, you mean?

everyday is too much

every second day, your muscles need time to grow and if you are putting stress on them every day (assuming you aren't half assing your workout) they won't have time to recover. this is common knowledge.

She isn't. She is a VSCO thot who is 19. Source: my porn addiction.

Can I train every day as long as I'm not sore or feeling weak/tired?

The gym is only here to stimulate hypertrophy, actual growth happens during rest. So you should only train it maximum 3 times a week.

I'd still reccomend working out every second day. Are you training to the point of failure (your arms/chest can't go on anymore) ? Since you say you aren't feeling sore/weak.
If you have weights at home, you can also try putting 5 or 10 kilos in a backback and do push ups with it on your back. (assuming you don't have a home gym)

>Are you training to the point of failure (your arms/chest can't go on anymore)?
Yes and no. For example, I do 100 diamond pushups (5X20) in the morning. When I'm done with that, my chest and triceps are exhausted and I can't do and more. But by evening time, I could easily do another 5X20 diamonds before sleep. So I'm not sure.

The only time my chest was sore the day after the workout was after I've done AthleanX home chest workout.

In that case, I would coom in her ass

>Calisthenics = weight lifting
>Military cares about optimal gains
>Military even does that many push-ups nowadays.
Lurk more.

What do you mean

If you do only that 5x20 and nothing afterward that's not much. Of course you cannot do more push ups right after, but you should be able to go with another exercise after few minutes break.

I mean it's nice you can do 5x20, I bet half of fit couldn't do even 5x10, but don't call it a full workout. If that's your preferred exercise it is nice to start with it, then go series of other exercises and then do another diamond push up series at the end. Maybe try smaller series so you can do that, doesn't have to be 5x20 right at the beggining.

I see. Thanks, man. Should 5X20 of handstand/pike pushups in between 5X20 diamonds be enough for a push day?

I don't know, I realized just now you probably do only body weight and I don't know much about that.

This is your brain on American religion