Myth of the "skinny guy who eats alot"

Can we put this one to bed guys? It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to eat above 2k calories a day and stay skinny. All of those ripped dudes that jokingly complain about this eat at the most 500 calories a day and never drink.


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Isn’t that the Manlet cop who shot the kneeling crying guy?

calories in calories out

I eat 3500+ calories every day and I'm still skinny

bullshit, post your meals. It's probably vegetables like that Scottish homosexual from the other thread who claimed that "oh I can't gain weight even though I eat SO MUCH!!!"


And then applied for, and received, full disability for the mental illness caused by the emotional distress of this incident, effectively securing an early retirement. Correct.

dildos in, dildos out

>everyone has the same metabolism
fuck off tard

>impossible to eat above 2k calories a day and stay skinny
it's very possible if you're 6'2 or up lol

Quality bait

Literally everyone does, tard. Muscle and fat mass have little to do with basal resting metabolism or whatever the fuck it is called. Everyone's "resting" metabolism is the same. I can link documents if you're interested in the research

Have you ever heard of HYPERTHYROIDISM?

sounds like something that involves taking cock up the ass

Anyone have a link to the video?

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Crawl towards me
Suck your own dick
Now sing the national anthem in Spanish

where can I find this bitch?

As a former skeletor king I'll tell you I 100% thought i was eating more than I was. You've really got to habitually shove food in your mouth and actually track what you eat.

That being said when Finally found my tdee it was somewhere around 3200.. and now that I workout more its closer to 4-4.5k depending on what day.

Its called not being a manlet, I eat around ~2800 and Im still very skinnt

Diabetes type 1 people have it really hard to gain weight. I guess some people actually have low insulin levels

>It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to eat above 2k calories a day and stay skinny.
At 4'2" maybe

I'm a skinny guy (70kg) and no matter how much I eat or how little I exercise, I always keep my weight. So there probably is some truth to
>muh genetics!!
However, I'm sure I can't break thermodynamics. If I'd not just eat a lot, but insane portions, I'm sure I'd balloon.

You probably eat a plate of veggies with like two potatoes and a silver of meat. Just like that Scottish faggot fucking cocksucker

when I find that fucking Scottish fuck I'm going to kick his fucking ass

I consume well over 3000 calories a day and im 6ft at 153-154 pounds. I do a shitton of cardio though, commuting to work and work itself. Ive also always been naturally skinny, and when I started exercising I only did cardio because im a faggot.

Michael Phelps eats 12.000 calories and isn't fat.
Move your lazy ass and you'll lose weight

>impossible to be skinny eating 2000 calories a day
M8 my TDEE is 3k calories and im 6'4 165lbs.

Its not really about physically not being able to gain weight, its more that the appetite isnt there so its force feeding which is really difficult.

Don't know, but it looks larger than waht you'd see on fitness blogs and whatnot. My last few days:
>breakfast: 2 slices of bread with thick layer of butter, some Quark and a thick layer of marmalade and an egg
>snack: One merci choclit.
>lunch: Finger thick slice of cured ham, two slices of bread with butter, some hummus
>dinner: 2 big soup plates of soup with lots of potatoes (maybe 150g), celeriac (200g?), meat (150g?), 30g of butter and sour cream
>snack: bloody mary and half a bag of gummi bears
>b: slices of bread with thick layer of butter, some Quark and a thick layer of marmalade and an egg
>s: One merci choclit. an apples
>l: 1 plate of leftover soup
>d: 300g steak with 4 potatoes and some dipping made from one eggplant with lots of olive oil
>s: half a bag of gummi bears
>b: slices of bread with thick layer of butter, some Quark and a thick layer of marmalade and an egg
>l: I forgot, probably 2-3 slices of bread with butter, cheese and some dried sausage
>s: some chocolate
>d: some lentil stew (probably 150g of dried red lentils in a portion, some celerieac, and 150ml of coco milk)
Is that tiny portions?

Also, I forgot, there's also like 3 beers in that list and some whiskey.

You dont get muscle with alcohol in your system, bad.

Weigh all your food and stop guestimating. Everyone estimates so fucking wrong.

Well, the wheights have to be within 50g, since that's just about a third of what I put in and the gf also eats some and there's always something left at the next day (execpt for the steak), so that should be close enough. And it's the weekend, so I might as well have me weekend alcoholism.