Anyone here try Clomid+hcg INSTEAD of straight test to try to improve testosterone levels and gains?

Anyone here try Clomid+hcg INSTEAD of straight test to try to improve testosterone levels and gains?

>mid 20's have 275 ng/dl
>500 IU of HCG every other day (3/4 time per week)
>levels go up to 475 ng/dl
>start on Clomid, 2 weeks in balls feel a lot bigger/fuller, muscle recover big improvement from HCG and even better with Clomid
Getting my levels checked again soon, I think if it's brought up to 600+ that's a huge improvement from 275, not to mention it improves and protects fertility. Why don't more guys take this option over steroids?

Attached: buy-Clomid-50mg.jpg (600x600, 62.46K)

Legit interested in this as well. Maybe post it to /fraud/?

The HCG makes sense if something fucked up with your puberty.
The clomid is questionable.

I prefer not to have vision problems so fuck clomid.

If clomid increases test, why don’t people just use it instead?

Because it fucks up your eyes dumbo

That’s just hocus pocus

using clomid is kind of... how you say... retarded? it's an aromatase inhibitor so maybe it will increase your test levels because it's not converting to estrogen, but you also crash your fucking estrogen/estradiol so you will feel like shit and your body will absolutely not function properly. also don't think HCG is a risk-free method it will still caused leydig cell desensitization so your shit can definitely get rocked if you take too much. Nolvadex works better than clomid in conjunction with HCG because it can block some of this desensitization effect, so if you insist on using AI then use nolva instead.

>Why don't more guys take this option over steroids?

Basically if you're going to be fucking with your hormones/balls anyways, you may as well just take a 12wk test-e 500 cycle

It's not an aromatase inhibitor you retard. And neither is nolva. Why are you talking about shit you don't know anything about.

>Clomid+hcg INSTEAD of straight test to try to improve testosterone levels
what a fucking retard

Attached: kek.jpg (396x485, 31.23K)

clomid is fucking terrible. Tried it once. Now I am straight test, 230mg/week.

I had major eye floaters while on clomid. Fuck that. I love my vision too much.

Its the truth and a listed side effect you fucking brainlet. I've taken it and eye floaters are a real thing.

oral shit is worse for your kidneys and liver than straight test

If you do want to do oral shit do metaprime, it'll work well, you'll see strength gains, you'll bloat a bit, but it'll go away with PCT and time

Because clomid is fucking terrible for you

That's a pretty high dose of HCG no? Before PCT but after my cycle iirc I did 500 i.u twice and week and it was expensive, that low dose of HCG was probably twice as expensive or more as my high dose test dose per week. I did HCG for a few weeks than Nolva PCT, felt fairly recovered while on it but after PCT definitely felt off, night and day compared to test.

Interesting to see the results of your high dose. Also have you looked into the sides of HCG vs test? I don't remember much but I think you can become desensitized to HCG in the long run and this can effect your balls

*500 I.U twice per week.

Also use Nolva instead of Clomid, Clomid made me feel emotional like a woman and gave me headaches, 0 sides on Nolva.

Honestly if this was a good idea ppl would be doing it and you wouldn't be on a Tajikistani Goat Herding forum asking about it.

Either go saturated fat/ zinc/ sleep route or juice.

Doesnt clomid fuck your eyes?

Plenty of people are saying that in this thread, but I have experienced no problems and my doctor (who has prescribed clmoid to literally hundreds of guys) said she has never had anyone have issues with their eye sight.

fucking moron, clomid will RAISE your estrogen.
> don't think HCG is a risk-free method it will still caused leydig cell desensitization so your shit can definitely get rocked if you take too much
leydig cell desensitization has only been documented in guys taking 1000 IU per day (or more) 500 iu every other day is not that much.

>Honestly if this was a good idea ppl would be doing it
People are doing it, but not as much in the fitness community because those people want really high levels. Normal people who have no experience with steroids and have tested with low T respond well to clomid to boost levels.

To all the naysayers
>why would anyone do that rather than taking test???
you're really asking why someone would want to increase their own testosterone production rather than replace it? test shuts down the HPG axis, shuts your balls down shrinking your testicles, reduces fertility at best or may make your completely infertile. Shutting your balls down with test also shuts down other important hormone production like pregnenalone and progesterone.

I'm NOT talking about cycling, cycling test is totally fine if you want because you obviously cannot achieve the same thing with HCG and Clomid. I'm talking about long term hormone optimzation.

This is the people giving you advice on steroids lmao

I'm 19, SSRIs decreased my test to 355. Been on clomid 12.5mg EOD with 45 mg Zinc daily. In 2 weeks my test went to 662, albeit with increased estradiol as well(32 -> 39). I recently switched to Arimidex from Zinc to supress Estradiol better, will check my levels once the emergency state in my country ends. Be sure not to exagerate with the dosage and eat ginger/turmeric or other anticoagulant foods since Clomid is known for causing retinal vein occlusion, which is incurable. Good luck, my friend, hope you find what works for you.

HCG alone will make your nuts huge and add about an inch to your penis after 3 months of use at 1500 IU 3x a week.

From a steroids perspective the issue is your body can only make so much test. But it makes perfect sense to run year round

Theres a distinction between using Clomid with exogenous hormones versus natural. Using it while natural will not do such.

Because 600+ng/dl is not a big deal. Real gains start coming in at 1200 ng/dl which 150/175mg test per week will give someone with no side effects (including gyno and high E except for 1-3 people out of a hundred).

>Because 600+ng/dl is not a big deal
It is to someone with natural levels below 300

Then they'd be better off getting on 100mg/wk of Test E injected every 3.5 days at 50mg per shot and running HCG than using Clomid which is going to have much more and worse side effects long term than TRT.

As much as I wish I had higher test levels, I realize being around 660 ng/dl isn't so bad compared to people with under 400 ng/dl,

even if this was comparable to a normal test cycle, which it's not, there's no point in using clomid over nolva.

>1500 iu 3 times a week
Holy fuck that’s a lot of hcg